[hider=Piers]Username: SwordfishKnight Name: Piers Drayton Age: 19 Gender: Male Birthday/Zodiac: July 2nd, Cancer Allegiance: None Class:Mercenary---Hero Clothing: Same as appearance Weapons: Two Iron Swords Appearance: [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100602155842/cybernations/images/6/6b/Anime_Warrior_by_chaotixwolf.jpg] Piers is 5’10, and is a lithe individual, but as thin as he is, can take a beating. Personality: Piers is what would be considered feminine and timid, but then it would be realized that timid is too tame of a word to describe his shyness. He prefers not to talk to people and would rather practice his singing in private, but when the time comes for battle, Piers puts away his timidity and puts on a mask of bravery. He will only protect the weak and leave the strong to fend for themselves. When alone with any evil person, Piers gains a sadistic and torturous attitude, almost like an alternate personality. History: Piers was born 6 years after his sister Margaret, To a father who was known as a famous general. Growing up he followed his sister and looked to her as an idol, following in her every step, until it came to fighting, which he allowed her to do alone. Every time Pier’s father was home, he would be training Piers to fight and become a soldier, not allowing him to do what he wanted. Eventually as war would take many others, it took pier’s father and left his mother a nervous wreck. Margaret, fearing for Piers, took him and ran away sheltering piers, not allowing him to be harmed. When Margaret took to joining the Sacred Blades, Piers followed, not knowing what he was getting into. Ability: Calm down any person by using his smooth voice. Quirk: Can talk to any animal, and train it as a pet. Strengths: Extremely durable, can take quite a few hits. Weaknesses: Easily scared, very nervous around new people. Likes: small woodland animals, His sister Margaret. Dislikes: Everyone else besides his sister Margaret. Other: ”…”[/hider]