[img=http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/01/0192c7ec88ca5d4d948a95957dbfce707003919b568fad6f62f3679ed72f7b89.jpg] [hider=Zayn]Username: Stranger Name: Zayn Age: 24 Gender: Male Birthday/Zodiac: December 27, Capricorn Class: Tactician -> Grandmaster Clothing: [url=http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScLqkL1uQHJvExCUuvp0Jti7yKioweu_kNg_dmRTPl1XLWfUwi]Stylish and imposing.[/url] Weapons: Steel Sword, Elthunder, Arcfire Appearance: [url=https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5281/5326438687_6705a4125d.jpg]Here.[/url] Personality: Zayn is the kind of person who knows what he wants and has no patience for anyone who stands in his way. Years of abuse have made him cold and cruel, and he will happily execute a disobedient subordinate just as soon as he would an enemy. He is very studious and dedicates himself to whatever practice he becomes interested in learning. ((More to be added later)) History: To be edited to fit the new story. Ability: Skilled in swordplay and magic, but focuses more on the sword. Quirk: Zayn is actually a great baker. Strengths: Master manipulator, clever tactician, is famous for being prepared. Weaknesses: Distrusts everyone, is mentally unstable, prone to violence. Likes: Power, authority, skilled swordsmanship, lavender, tea, winter, night, the moon. Dislikes: Weakness, kissing up, humanity Other: "Humans are so wretched."[/hider]