Running. Wouldn’t one get tired of running? Always hopping from planet to planet, time to time, era to era – and for what? What satisfaction was there from time jumping all by his lonesome? It began to grow on him, just as his previous adventure. All that he had saw..all that he had done as the War Doctor he wanted to forget. It was like a bad dream that he couldn’t wake up from, but, he finally did and wished that he could give himself amnesia. It was a very wrong choice and yet so right for the given situation. After all, there was a war to be fought; a war that ended in nothing but destruction and sorrow. Why did he think that it was a fantastic idea to lose himself for an episode? What rubbish. Look where it brought him, running from some happy mercenary from another planet to avenge their fallen loved ones. Well, what about his loved ones? What about…well, no matter. He was The Doctor, not a miracle worker. He couldn’t bring people back from the dead nor revisit their livelihood. Well, he could but the pain would be too severe. A long heavy sigh crossed his lips as he stood above the control panel of his beloved TARDIS. Where would he find homage, temporarily, from this hateful brute? The man stood there in thought as he scanned the galaxies over his computer until he finally settled upon a little less alien trafficked speck in the universe – the Milky Way galaxy. Of course, that sounded splendid. Humans were his favorite source of entertainment. They were so uncomplicated creatures that it pleased him. The children were utterly delightful when they played, believing in things only one with such an innocent mind could unearth. With the swift motion of his hand, he spun the dial and punched in the coordinates for Earth. There, he would stay until he felt safe enough to travel again. Once the TARDIS vanished into the worm hole, the man found his little blue box happily drifting through the Milky Way galaxy. Unfortunately, he was followed he soon found out when the TARDIS shuddered under the weight of a blast. His hands gripped upon the console while his teeth clenched in his mouth. “I can’t believe this,” he uttered in disgust, “How on earth did he follow the trail so fast.” Grunting, the man slammed his fist on a cloaking device but the TARDIS spat sparks in return. The alarm flashed inside the spaceship and the police box was no later plummeting down through the atmosphere of the blue and green planet called Earth. -- A week later, the Doctor stationed himself in a small flat at random complex he found in short distance from the location of his crash site. Every day or so, he would go and check on his beautiful blue box and make attempts to repair it. So far, he had no luck. The machine also had to recharge, which took quite a bit of time. So, in short, he was stuck. Miserable? Slightly. But at least there were decent chips in that area in Cardiff. The fish wasn’t too bad either, but, he wasn’t a fan of the fancy crunchy coating. Some gent made a rude suggestion, after he made a comment, to go stick his fish fingers in some custard and call it a day. Oh, how rude! After another failed day of repairing his beloved ship, the man sat bored in the couch that the tenants, who lived there before him, generously left behind as well as the cable activated and the telly, and…well, a few other things. They just happened to, uh, disappear quite spontaneously.. With the remote in hand, The Doctor casually flipped through the channels passing infomercials, dramas, children shows, until he finally stumbled upon the science fiction channel. There he paused, staring at some giant alien bug trampling over London. After a few minutes had passed, he was scowling. “That is so rude,” he mumbled, “They didn’t even ask him if he needed directions or if he had miscalculated a warp hole or something of the lot.” Before he could make further judgment of the show, there was a small knock at the door which caused him to freeze like a deer in headlights. His head whipped about to stare at the door, curiously. Was it the hunter? Had he already found him? He hadn’t been there but for only a week! Quietly, the man rose from the couch and grabbed the sonic screwdriver from his pocket. Silently, he moved to the door and held his hand ready on the button with the other hovering near the doorknob. Just as he was about to make his move, there was a second knock that caused him to jump and shoot a hole in the ceiling right above the door. The man paused, listening to the person beyond the door introduce themselves but he couldn’t help but stare at the hole in the ceiling. “Well that was brilliant,” he murmured. Due to his lack of restful nights, he was a bit on edge. “Uh, just a moment,” he called out softly and tucked the screwdriver inside his denim pocket. The man then opened the door to look upon the petite blonde offering cookies as a welcoming gesture. Indeed she was a cute thing, but, he was always was a little cautious and he wasn’t sure what this hunter was capable above. He peered down at her, wanting to scan her but he also didn’t want to scare her off if she was, indeed, a humanoid. “Hello there, Rose,” the man said with a smile, “How can I help you?” His eyes then fell upon the small circular baked goods in curiosity. What on, well, Earth were they? They looked quite weird, yet smelled quite divine.