[img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101024061926/gundam/images/6/65/Axis-Zeon-logo.png] Name: Principality of Zeon (Axis Zeon) Series of Origin: Gundam UC Government Type: Contolist Absolute Monarchy Executive Leader: Officially Mivena Lao Zabi, Regent Haman Karn Geo-Political Position: Zon is a member of the Directorate, and sits astride two of the world's major straits, in Gibraltar and the Suez, and threatens the underbelly of the Atlantic Federation. Zeon's troops are well trained, with such commanders as Mashymre Cello, Elpeo Ple, and Chara Soon. It has several research institutes based around Newtype research, and wields advanced Mobile suits. They are not afriad to use force, but can be diplomatic and sneaky when they choose to be. Military Capabilities: The Zeon military is relatively advanced, relying on a backbone of Mobile Suits for offensive operations, though there is an infantry corp. Power generation comes from Minovsky reactors, which has spurred efforts to return to space in order to regain access to helium-3, which is needed as a fuel for the Minovsky reactors. As well, production of mobile suits has been an issue, due to the relatively dated infrastructure on Earth. Still, the military is advanced, with beam weapons, and well suited to close range combat, a necessity with the interference of Minvosky particles. Weakened though they may be, they are still a dangerous force. Population Estimate: 70,000 Claimed Areas: North Africa Alliance: The Directorate [u]Dramatis Personas[/u] [hider=Haman Karn][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100507113954/gundam/images/a/a1/Haman5.gif] Name: Haman Karn Age: 21 Species: Human Newtype Position/Job: Regent for Mineva Lao Zabi Short Bio: Her father fled Earth sphere at the end of the One Year War, taking his daughter with him. At the age of sixteen, and by the recommendation of Char Aznable, she found herself the leader of 30,000 dispirited Zeon refugees. Depsite this, she was able to rally the people and motivate them for their return to earth. Eventually she returned with Axis Zeon, where she was able to use Axis' financial and political resources to play off the Titans and the AEUG against each other while staying the dominant power, for her invasion of the Earth Federation, to restore the Zabi royal family and liberate the colonies from earth rule. With Zeon transported, she aims to accomplish this goal in this reality, or get the power of those who did this, for her own ends. Skills: Basic Combat - Skilled at using a pistol, rifle, and hand to hand combat Charisma - Very charismatic on the surface, a good orator, and motivator Piloting - An ace Mobile suit pilot, she has her own special model Mobile suit for use when she goes on the battlefield. Politics - Manipulative, Haman Karn has no qualms about using people to get what she wants, and has proven to be a devious and shrewd political mind. Weapons: AMX-004 Qubeley Mobile Suit Abilities: Newtype - Being a newtype has given Haman a heightened mental focus and spatial awareness, to the point of being a sixth sense. She can detect other newtypes and sense hostile intentions directed at her, allowing her to dodge attacks before her opponent even launches an attack. She is also adept at using a Psycommu Other: [/hider] [hider=Mineva Zabi][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110308191239/gundam/images/4/48/MinevaZabi.jpg] Name: Mineva Lao Zabi Age: 8 Species: Human Position/Job: Princess, heir to Zabi Royal Family Short Bio: Born near the end of the One Year War, Mineva was taken by her mother to the Zeon Axis base the asteroid belt. Her mother died, leaving her in the hands of Maharaja Karn, and then Haman Karn, who is guiding the Princess until she can take over. Treats Haman like a surrogate mother of sorts, or a sister, and looks up fondly to 'Uncle' Char Aznable, though he isn't here at the moment to counter Haman's influence Skills: Basic Space Flight - She knows how space travel works, but given her age, she hasn't gone flying herself Princely training - Well schooled in the mannerisms and behavior befitting a Princess Weapons: N/A Abilities: N/A Other: She's 8 years old. You really expected a lot out of this?[/hider] [hider=Mashymre Cello][img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100212115635/gundam/images/1/18/Mashima.gif] Name: Mashymre Cello Age: 18 Species: Human Position/Job: Neo Zeon Officer, Mobile Suit Pilot Short Bio: Mashymre went to Axis as a young boy with those Zeon loyalists who fled after their defeat in the One Year War. It was there he first met Haman Karn, when she beat him in an arcade game involving mobile suits. Shocked at his loss, and to a girl no less, events transpired that she became Regent, he joined the Zeon armed forces and became an officer. Having hopelessly fallen for her, he has something near an obsession, though it is no reciprocated, and will do anything she asks of him, no matter how morally reprehensible it is. Otherwise, despite being a military officer, he is something of a pacifist, with lots of idealism, who truly believes what Haman says, and prefers one on one fights and straight up duels to ambushes and other tactics he considers dirty. Also cares a lot about civilians, Skills: Command skills - An officer of Zeon, he is well trained in battle strategy and tactics, even if his idealism interferes in those tactics he employs Piloting- A better than average pilot, though not as good as a Newtype when it comes to mobile suits. Charisma - Between the blue hair, the rose, and his personality, he can certainly attract the ladies with his 'gentleman soldier' demeanor. TOo bad he only has eyes for one person. Weapons: AMX-101 Galluss-J Mobile Suit Abilities: N/A Other: Haman Karn gave him the rose he wears. He treasures it.[/hider] There are a lot of characters that may be involved here. I'll do CS's as is relevant.