Username: Overwatch [b]Name:[/b] Ayame [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday/Zodiac:[/b] April 21st, Aries [b]Class:[/b] Tactician (currently a Myrmidion) [b]Clothing/Appearance:[/b] [img=] [b]Weapons:[/b] Killer Blade x2, [b]Personality:[/b] Ayame is pretty easy to get along with, and sometimes trusts too easily, but does not forgive or forget once her trust has been abused. She enjoys company, and despite being somewhat of a leader, she acts just like any other person when not leading. However, if she recognizes somebody being obviously rude/mean, she isn't afraid to call them out on it. There have been a number of occasions she has stood up against incredible odds to defend what she thinks is right. As such, she is a very strong willed person, even loss doesn't keep her down too long, despite how morbid that might sound. She would be the first one to fight honestly, and she never attacks unless her opponent is aware of her, leading to some very disadvantageous situations. Her tolerance for injustice is low. A word to the wise, she sometimes has her stupid moments. [b]History:[/b] Ayame's parents wanted a boy. Sadly, they were very disappointed when she turned out to be a girl. They tried to go to the village hexer to fix the problem, but, it was something powerful magic couldn't do anything to affect. So, they left her at a church in another town, and returned home. Ayame never met her real parents. Ayame had a somewhat odd childhood, and the church disliked taking care of her, but did so anyway, and without mistreating her, for the most part. She was raised to be wise to morally wrong acts, and by the time she left the church, (as soon as she could fend for herself) she had a very strong sense of morality. However, being thrown out of the church and not being allowed back for seemingly no reason disheartened her, and she began to earn her living elsewhere, helping people as best she could. This meant she had to take up a sword, and she did. Surprisingly, she was a prodigy with it, as if such a thing was natural to her, as if she were born for it. As soon as she scraped up enough money, she moved to Ferox, where she had heard that such a living was very well paying. She managed to become the hand of a Khan, soundly defeating the man who was previously the khan's hand. Shortly after, she left the service of the khan to carry on doing what she had done in the past. Stagnation wasn't her style. She soon found that there was a cult rising to resurrect an ancient evil, and proceeded to pursue them to no avail. A year passed, and she again met the hand of the khan, defeating him again. That man decided to follow her out of respect, and, after a year or two, she noticed signs of the leal again. -here we are now- [b]Ability:[/b] Swordplay and agility. Did I mention she's a tactician? [b]Quirk:[/b] Most lively spirit. [b]Strengths:[/b] Charismatic, Peerless with a blade, and very fit. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Sometimes clumsy, easy to upset, has a firey temper. [b]Likes:[/b] spicy food, friendly people, and open air. [b]Dislikes:[/b] badly cooked food, rude people, and tight confines. [b]Other:[/b] "[i]I'm so excited![/i]"