[b] Collaboration between Major Ursa and Tanderbolt[/b] Surprised was an understatement when Faye heard Knox admit that he was Mary Margaret's, Jane Doe's, husband. After Faye spoke with Knox on the phone, she went to check the records for confirmation, to find that Knox was telling the truth! She then headed for Jane Doe's room. She needed to tell her about what she learned. Just outside of the hospital, Knox hastily parked into his usual spot and hurried inside. The shirt he wore wasn't properly buttoned, but he didn't even spare a thought on how his hands shook buttoning them as he went over to the car...thoughts of Mary Margaret, HIS Mary filling his mind. His migraine was gone, that was the only other thing that he thought of, and he trudged through the halls in a hurry...like reward for remembering that which was important. Now, only a small part of him thought of the waitress who he felt all too comfortable with, Knox mentally clawed and scraped as much of that out of his head. This was Mary he had to focus on...Mary, the second person he had almost lost. The voice at the back of his head shamed him. Told Knox he still lost somebody. Told him he had lost Ruby. Shaking his head, the security guard almost felt physically ill as he made his way to the former Jane Doe's room...just about nearly bumping into Dr Stevenson. Blinking, Knox crossed his arms uneasily, staring down at the doctor with a worn expression. "Have you...have you told her yet?" Dr. Stevenson stopped herself when she almost bumped into Knox, and when she saw who it was, she fell silent before she could utter an apology. When he asked, she shook her head and said "I was just on my way to tell her, Mr. Kowalski," She continued walking, leading Knox to Mary Margaret's room. She said to him as she kept on walking, "I'm glad to see your memory has come back to you, Mr. Kowalski," Knox kept his head down as he followed behind the doctor, seeming much smaller than his frame would indicate, “I wasn't there for her, this whole time..." Falling silent as he trudged behind her, [i]'I've hurt Ruby, too...'[/i] "I...really let everyone down. If I remembered all this earlier, I could have spare a lot of people this...headache." Dr. Stevenson told him, "Don't beat yourself up over this Mr. Kowalski. It's not your fault," "Don't...just don't, Dr Stevenson. We all know whose to blame for this." As if her reassurances went into one of Knox's ears, and out the other... Dr. Stevenson interjected seriously, knowing that he wasn't listening, "I'm serious, Mr. Kowalski. I wouldn't be telling you this if I was lying. You had amnesia, nobody could help that," There was in visible indication that Knox heard anything the doctor had said, his eyes were dull, like he wasn't all there...or, like he was in an indescribable amount pain. After a moment, the security guard spoke with much conviction in his voice, "It doesn't matter...all that matters is that I stay by her side, as she recovers. I [i]have[/i] to be here for her, now, when she needs me most. I [i]will[/i] get her to remember me." Dr. Stevenson advised him as they kept on walking, "Mr. Kowalski, just remember that memory will come back in time. She will remember you, you just have to be patient," Soon they reached the room and she stated "Here we are," She knocked on the door before she entered the room. David looked up from his current position of sitting on the edge of the patient bed once more, this time instead of a crossword between the two of them, two styrofoam bowls of tomato soup from Granny's; lunch as he had promised Jane Doe and nothing solid as he promised Dr. Stevenson. Faye was glad to see that David heeded her warning, but she didn't say anything on it, and she said to them, "Mr. Nolan, good to see you. Ms. Doe, I have good news! We found information on you," She then proceeded to tell Jane Doe and David Nolan everything they knew thus far. That included Jane Doe's real name and that she was married to Knox Kowalski, who had suffered from a minor case of amnesia as well a while back, explaining thusly how he didn't remember her until now. Behind the doctor, Knox could only stand around sheepishly...and yet, eventually, he pushed his way inside. Barely keeping himself from launching at the amnesiac wife of his, the security guard managed to instead kneel by her bed, trying hard to keep a reassuring smile on his face...though, his insides twisted, not quite about to cry, but... "At least you're safe, at least I can give you your name back...the first of many things I have to return to you, if I can..." Tentatively reaching over, he clasped the woman's bone white hand in his. "Mary Margaret, that's your name." This all seemed [i]too[/i] convenient and strange to the doctor, however she kept her mouth shut. These situations needed to be handled delicately, however as David and Mary Margaret exchanged glances, Faye couldn't help but to look outside the room and through the glass, spotting Mayor Mills looking upon the scene with a rather confident look. As Faye looked at the Mayor, she recalled the facts that the Mayor had always come in to check on Jane Doe, was the emergency contact in case anything happened to Mary Margaret, and yet she never bothered to point out who Jane Doe was, and that she was married to Knox Kowalski. She politely excused herself as Knox spoke with Mary Margaret, and she left the room, and she headed over to the Mayor, intent on speaking with the woman, and getting answers. David Nolan cleared his throat awkwardly. Although he was relieved that the woman at least had a name, and someone to claim her, he couldn't submerge the nauseating feeling in his gut that something wasn't quite...right; though he pushed that feeling to the side as some sort of feeling of selfishness. "Well, Mary Margaret..." David said getting up from the hospital bed. "...you two have a lot to catch up on. Enjoy the soup." He gave a curt nod to both her and Knox before following after Dr. Stevenson. He'd dwell on these feelings later...much, much later. It had been a strange day, but Mary was happy that someone could give her some more details. By default, she trusted people, although she would like to see some other evidence for something this important. Knox's grip was gentle and warm, it felt pleasant to her. Before talking to knox, she said goodbye to David. After he left, she smiled a little and said "I don't remember much, but Mary Margaret is a much nicer name than Jane Doe. May I ask who you are?" There was something vulnerable about his wife, it suddenly struck him...something scared him inside, like losing another family member. But Knox desperately kept a brave face on, forced his reassuring smile to stay on, "I...haven't been around, at all, since this situation. I promise, with no more excuses, I'll be right here with you for a full recovery." Shaking his head, realising he was just going on a bit, he found he couldn't keep his eyes on hers... "My name is Knox, Knox Kowalski...it may be quite a bit to take in, but I am your husband." She thought for a moment about what to say, but could not remember anything that might help in this situation. She asked a few basic questions "So, Knox, do you live here? Is there anything that you remember that you think would be good to share sooner rather than later?" Still unable to keep eye contact, letting out his usual sigh, "I live more than fifteen minutes from the hospital, on the other side of town..." For a moment, the type of person that Knox was [i]demanded[/i] that he spoke up about Ruby, confess to getting very close to Ruby...and somehow, the small small part...patting Mary Margaret on the hand, a strange smile curled up on his lips, "If you can come up with any questions, come to me for answers...don't strain yourself." Knox seemed nervous to her, but it was understandable. She tried to ask a some more simple questions, to ease him in to the conversation a bit "How was our married life? Do you remember how we met each other?" "It was fine," Realising that a quick answer like that explained nothing, "I recall people alway saying that you made up for what I lacked. Outgoing, sunny disposition..." For a moment, Knox recalled some unbelieving that she'd choose a gloomy guy like him...maybe that's what attracted him to Ruby? The parallels were striking. Almost, almost wanting to actually shake more of her from his mind, Knox instead tried to focus on Mary's face. Maybe the amnesia made him feel this way, but she seemed so much more different from his memory...once she recovered, he helped her recover...things would fall comfortably into place, right? Focusing on the second question at hand, "Rabbits." Instantly, the security guard felt sheepish admitting his love of cute animals--not even, just mentioning the cute animal in question, but Knox continued to recall his first returned memory to Mary in as much detail as he could recall. Mary could tell that Knox wasn't the most sociable person, and she respected him for trying his best. She listened to him for a while, believeing his words. It was hard to catched up on what seemed like years of memories in such a short time. When he had finished the story, she asked "So, Knox, what do we do for a living?" Without missing a beat, "I work security and surveillance for this hospital facility," And yet hadn't even taken more than a glance at the 'Jane Doe's' room, till his memories returned...so close, and yet so far away. "You were a elementary school teacher. I remember coming to pick you up on your last working day, all the small children were crying for you not to leave. I...after that, we had our fight. You left a week early for Storybrooke, while I stayed to finalize a few more things of importance." Glancing at her face, Knox could outright tell that none of it had clicked with her, not yet. Thinking back to his home--their home...the packed...the pictures! Turning to look at Mary directly in the eye, feeling a sense of unease at her lack of real recognition towards him, the security guard gently stroked her hand with his thumb, "I have pictures, of us. I can drive back to [i]our[/i] place, and return with them as soon as I can." Rising from where he knelt, this whole time, Knox brushed the dust of his pant legs and felt the minor soreness. Leaning over his wife, more tentatively then tenderly, he took her hands in his and planted a kiss on her brow, "Take care, I'll be back as quickly as I can, alright?" Firmly, "Wait for me." Letting go of her hands, the security guard took a few steps back and waited for her answer, before turning and leaving altogether. She tilted her head sideways a bit, confused by how suddenly he had left. Mary waved at him as he left, eagerly awaiting the pictures. She hoped they would provide some more answers. It was very strange that he never noticed his wife in a coma when he worked here. While he was out, she'd go through the process of getting cleared to leave the hospital, she was more than ready for it.