[img=http://i.imgur.com/CUeJ78v.jpg] Name: The Warriors of Cosmos Series of Origin: Dissidia Final Fantasy Government Type: Monarchy (In name only) Executive Leader: Cosmos (Effectively the Warrior of Light) Military Capabilities: The Warriors of Cosmos consist of 19 elite warriors and one Goddess of Harmony. The Warriors each have their own fighting style and various magical abilities, while the goddess's power is restricted to reviving one of her near-dead warriors at the cost of most of her life energy. Their infantry unit consists of an endless army of Manikins (crystalline soldiers modeled after both the Warriors of Cosmos and the Warriors of Chaos) from the Rift. These Manikins have no sentience and only know battle. Population Estimate: 20 (+ Manikins) [hider=Warriors] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Warrior_(Final_Fantasy)/Dissidia]Warrior of Light[/url] (Cid du Lufaine) [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Firion/Dissidia]Firion Fynn[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Onion_Knight_(Final_Fantasy_III)/Dissidia]Onion Knight[/url] (Luneth Ingus) [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Cecil_Harvey/Dissidia]Cecil Harvey[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Kain_Highwind/Dissidia]Kain Highwind[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Bartz_Klauser/Dissidia]Bartz Klauser[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Gilgamesh/Dissidia]Gilgamesh[/url] (recruited after a defeat by Bartz; provides Manikins) [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud_Strife/Dissidia]Cloud Strife[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Tifa_Lockhart/Dissidia]Tifa Lockhart[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Squall_Leonhart/Dissidia]Squall Leonhart[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Laguna_Loire/Dissidia]Laguna Loire[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Zidane_Tribal/Dissidia]Zidane Tribal[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Tidus/Dissidia]Tidus Zanarkand[/url] (Son of Jecht) [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Jecht/Dissidia]Jecht Zanarkand[/url] (Father of Tidus) [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Yuna/Dissidia]Yuna Spira[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Shantotto/Dissidia]Shantotto Taru[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Prishe/Dissidia]Prishe Elvaan[/url] [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Vaan/Dissidia]Vaan Teach[/url] (Deceased) [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Lightning_(Final_Fantasy_XIII)/Dissidia]Lightning "Light"[/url] (Claire Farron) [/hider] Claimed Areas: Malta --- [img=http://i.imgur.com/MWOuoAR.png] [hider=EX Mode][img=http://i.imgur.com/pDrPJhe.jpg][/hider] Name: The Warrior of Light (Has chosen to go by Cid du Lufaine) Age: Physical- Early 20s; Actual- Unknown Species: Perfect Manikin (indistinguishable from human) Position/Job: Military leader of The Warriors of Cosmos Short Bio: The Warrior of Light was created as a Manikin by Cid of the Lufaine for him to implant his own memories into and hopefully turn the tide of the war in Cosmos's favor. The experiment was a success, and, in receiving Cid's memories, the Warrior took the appearance of a young Cid. However, the success was not as successful as first assumed, and the Warrior soon lost what memories he had gained, despite retaining his appearance and skills. He was discovered by Prishe in the Old Chaos Shrine in an early Cycle and was delivered to Cosmos. In every Cycle following, he acted as both Cosmos's personal guard and the de facto leader of her Warriors. Skills: Leadership- He's good at leading people and stuff. Loyalty- He's really really REALLY loyal to Cosmos, to the point where it almost seems like infatuation. And stuff. Military Skills- As he spent countless Cycles leading the Warriors of Cosmos to battle against the Warriors of Chaos, he has subconsciously racked up a great deal of military experience and it shows. Battler Prowess- Was literally created to fight and succeeds in his job. Weapons: Sword and Shield Abilities: Shield Control- Cid is able to remotely control his shield. He uses this for various attacks and combos. Light Manipulation- Cid is able to harness the power of light into a usable form to simultaneously block attacks dish out damage with a close-range blast of light(Shield of Light), send pillars of light erupting from the ground towards his enemy(Shining Wave), create 6 blades of light that home in on the enemy(Radiant Sword), temporarily lock his enemy in a small crystal-like shape and drop a large sword on them(Rune Saber), enchant his blade with magic and slash quickly for a multi-hit combo(Bitter End), and remotely control and enchant his shield for a devastating combo(Ultimate Shield). Class Change- Like all Warriors of Cosmos, Cid is able to enter a powerful state of being known as EX Mode, his version being Class Change. Upon entering EX Mode, Cid changes from a Warrior to a Knight; his attacks hit with more force and cause small blades of light to pierce the enemy where the original slash (or bash in the case of his shield) makes contact, his wounds slowly regenerate, and his endurance is heightened. Oversoul- Like all Warriors of Cosmos, once Cid enters EX Mode, he is able to use a powerful attack known as EX Burst, his version being Oversoul. Upon executing EX Burst, Cid creates a pocket dimension surrounded by magic energy where he slashes the enemy six times. The sixth slash detonates the magic energy within the pocket dimension, further injuring his enemy. After the EX Burst is finished, the pocket dimension closes and Cid is forced out of EX Mode. Other: [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Warrior_(Final_Fantasy)/Dissidia]