(guard) The guard held back the chuckle and said "you really shouldn't be saying hello in such a casual manor with our two clans being this close to war, it's liable to get you caught." The guard looks around and said "now hurry up and get somewhere safe before another guard sees you" The guard then winked and said "the old man is expecting you so don't be late, he hates it when you're late" (Alex) Alex was rummaging through his father's stuff "where in the world did he put it" Alex then turned around to see one of the older council members standing there. "You do know that the council leader will never admit to your father's findings." Alex said "well can't you guys vote him out and get the preparations underway" The old council member shook his head and said "no we need a unanimous vote and he still has one other council member who helps him keep you at bay" The council member said "If you keep this up they may kick you out of the village" Alex said "yeah and the army will leave with me making you vulnerable to the Ayomota or something far worse." The council member said "I hate to say it but you may have better luck convincing the Ayomotas over convincing out council." Alex said "that's not I'm worried about"