[img=http://www.unboundbook.org/wiki/images/d/da/YellowSign.jpg] Name: Grand Theocratic state of Carcosa Series of Origin: Cthulhu Mythos Government Type: Magio-theocratic Monarchy Executive Leader: Lead by the King in Yellow through the Herald of the Yellow Sign Geo-Political Position: A strange city which appeared suddenly off the coast of Denmark in Funen, now known as a city-state titled The Grand Theocratic State of Carcosa. But, as a magio-religious entity, its 'culture' and influence is not measured or restricted by its borders, rather by how wide spread and numerous the members of the state religion are, similar to the Vatican. Military Capabilities: The Grand Theocratic State of Carcosa relies upon Carcossan magicks and summoning techniques, combined with alien technlology gifted to them by their great master. From glamours and hexes, to summoning Byakhee and commanding werewolves and other such wild creatures, and using strange and magnificent devices of alien design and nature to cause pandemonium. However the state itself has no standing army, persay, every member of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, is taught these methods of magick in the event that they must defend themselves or the city beyond the lake. Population Estimate: The city of Carcosa itself holds perhaps 700,00 citizens, though the exact number of initiates of the the Brotherhood is hard to guess, already the King in Yellow has started to slowly spread his influence into mainland Europe. Claimed Areas: Funen, Denmark. Alliance: Copenhagen Name: Herald of the Yellow Sign. Age: Unknown Species: Presumably Human Position/Job: Herald of the Yellow Sign, messenger of the King inYellow Short Bio: Who he was before taking up the pallid mask is irrelevant, all that matters now is his service to the King, and to lead the Brotherhood in the directions of his master, so that they might complete his great works and machinations. Appearance: [img=http://www.unboundbook.org/wiki/images/d/de/KingInYellow.jpg] Skills: A skilled orator, politician, magician, and religious leader. Aside from these practical skills, the herald is a great enthusiast of the performing, literary, and vsual arts. Weapons: His tattered robes, a gift from his master, flow and squirm with a mind all their own, bound to the will of their chosen wearer. The many tattered edges and ends can be used as extra sets of hands. He carries with him the Yellow Sign, a diagram which causes all who see it to become susceptible to whispers from the king in yellow and his followers, marking them forever in the eyes of the dread ruler. Abilities: He is a master in Carcossan magicks, particularly those dealing with illusion, guile, and the mind. Despite this preference for more subtle magicks, he is by no means uneducated in the evocations of his order, or the us of their lord's sign as a sigil of power. Other: He is never without his tattered robes or pallid mask.