Aislin smiled when Dana admitted she didn't have any stories. Being one of the less interesting students was something Aislin felt too, just from one look at her roommate. Alex was a natural strobe light. Between all the Animal Metas, Energy folk and Cerebrals, she looked at her own little ability and felt small. Like an angel fish in an ocean of sharks. Well, that may have been exaggerating, but Aislin enjoyed its poetic flair.  Jaska echoed her enthusiasm with the caves, she could only laugh when he mentioned he wasn't interested in school anymore. He was such a cute kid, honestly. Dana kinda looked down, that awkward smile back on her face. Aislin frowned, looking at her wheels. [b]"I thought this school, with all it's funding and super-functioning humans, would also have superior technology. I'm sure hovering tech would be within the grasp of a Meta genius."[/b] The reptilian teacher made a good impression on her. He seemed solid. It didn't quite feel like a hierarchal teacher-student relationship, not with him. She couldn't quite categorize it, but if he was leading a few of her classes, that'd be a blast. As Henry divulged information on how the Academy worked, Aislin was dead focused on him. Power training piqued her curiosity, but it sounded scary. She had never used her ability in a classroom setting, never mind arena setting. [i]God, this school is insane... But I think I like it.[/i] Aislin chuckled, shaking her head.  [b]"Wow, six undiscovered abilities? Do our powers really keep unfolding like that?" [/b]The idea of ever-improving abilities intrigued Aislin, she was convinced her own talent couldn't get any better than what she had. But she guessed that was narrow-minded thinking. In this new Academy world, she really had to start throwing assumptions out the window.  The certain individual who so pleasantly scared the shit out of Aislin with the thunderous crash of a cafeteria table was immediately blacklisted in her mind. Not that she could see what was really going on, but just the action was significantly rude.  She checked the time.[i] Yikes, gotta go.[/i] Placing her utensils horizontal on her empty plate, she got up from the table. [b]"I actually gotta run, I need to grab some stuff for class. But it was lovely getting to know you all. Professor, I'm looking forward to that expedition." [/b]She unfolded a note from her pocket and placed it on the table, flashing a grin. [b]"This is my cell. Feel free to keep in touch, if you'd like."[/b] She gave a little wave as she left the table, putting her tray away while giving that one table-flipper bitch laser eyes and a wide breadth. Gross, she had an entourage too. Aislin exited before them and hurried on her way.