Antonia had watched Nicolette's doings with a nauseating mixture of horror and ambivalence and unease, finding herself unceremoniously shoved aside so the First Mate could straddle Thomas there on his bed. She pounded his chest, pressed her lips over his and heaved her breath into him. And all the while, just beneath her curses and shouts, that unbearably lovely voice declared a deep and abiding tenderness that stung Antonia to the heart, whether she would or not. It was Luc's slender arms about her shoulders that held the rogue still as she leaned against the bed, relegated as she to mere witness of these bizarre goings on while the [i]Skate[/i] rocked beneath them all in the arms of a living storm. The rogue had all but crushed the stem of her Amazon lily in clenched, shaking fingers, dropping it entirely as she sprang to her knees from Luc's embrace as Thomas sat up swiftly in his bed, breathing, grinning... ... Speaking... [i]"Quel idiot,"[/i] Antonia growled with a choked sob of a laugh as she set herself up over the edge of the bed, gently but swiftly wrapping her arms about Thomas' shoulders and pulling him close, right where he sat. Her kiss was swift but passionate, filled equal parts with tears of relief and joy-filled laughter. And as she pulled back to look into that living copper gaze, Antonia pressed the palm of one hand to Thomas' forehead, pushing away playfully as she rolled her own eyes. "'Most erotic?' [i]Est-ce vrai?[/i] Hmph! You'd best claim you've been struck with amnesia, and that last night has [i]completely[/i] escaped your recall... " With a laugh the rogue whirled to the First Mate where she still straddled Thomas, laying her hands over Nicolette's wet shoulders, peering earnestly into that matchless golden face. [i]"Merci, Mademoiselle[/i] Beauchamp. You are as brilliant," she said softly, sincerely, bending to lovingly kiss Nicolette's incomparable silken cheek. "As you are resourceful." The rogue moved to gently press her lips to Nicolette's marred cheek, as tenderly and earnestly as its mate. "You are a blessing to us all." She kissed the First Mate's still-damp forehead lovingly before her full lips dipped to the curve of Nicolette's ear. Her warm whisper was for the golden, angelic woman alone, and full to the brim with the rogue's Cajun spice. "But I [i]do[/i] so wish, [i]mon ami,[/i] that you would refrain from wrapping yourself about my one and only love at every given chance. Now, the first time? A misunderstanding, [i]mais bien sûr.[/i] Twice? Ah, I suppose it was... The necessities of your surgeon medicine? So be it! But if there should be a third... ?" The rogue pulled back from Nicolette to gaze serenely into that angelic face, her hands still laid lightly over the woman's shoulders. Antonia's grey eyes widened with unspoken mirth above her lovely, feral smile, dark brows arched meaningfully as the edge of one thumbnail slid lightly over the First Mate's graceful throat. "So!" Antonia tapped Nicolette impishly on the tip of her nose with one finger, laughing softly as she stood to her full height. She wrapped the fingers of one hand steadily about the First Mate's forearm, and helped her from Thomas' lap and bed as kindly as Nicolette herself had been to the rogue only moments before - and just as insistent. "All is well! Let's be up then, shall we? Come now, up you go! Up up!" She turned to the helmsman, transfixed it seemed by the sight of the golden angel Nicolette in all her dripping glory. "Jax? Yes you, standing there drenched and incredulous - come in, come sit if you like. It would not surprise me if this storm was having its way up above, is it not?" The rogue settled back on the edge of Thomas' bed as Luc leaned his head against her knee. Antonia lay her hand over those drenched, ebony curls, her fingers running lovingly through his hair. She could feel the exhaustion in the boy, radiating like shimmering heat from his slender form. With a soft sigh, she turned to look to Thomas, her grey eyes taking in the whole of his body, traveling to his chest and abdomen - and widening in surprise when she saw what was left of the siren's bite. But for some swelling and redness, the whole of that mortal, poison-riddled wound was... It was [i]healed.[/i] Antonia bit her lip happily as she looked up to Thomas' face, incredulous fingertips oh-so-gently tracing the outline, wondering if this would be yet another scar to one day colorfully commemorate with a tattoo artist's inks.