-Generic Guard : Warakuma Amusement Park- As Ayano was peaking into the mirror house, a towering man blocked her view as he stepped in front of her. His arms were crossed, and he looked a bit irritated at the girl as it seemed like she was going to enter in. He stared down at her with a stern look before speaking. "Excuse me miss, but maybe you should check out the other rides or something," the man said, eyeing the wooden sword in her hands. "Also, you should probably dispose of that or something - you don't want people to get the wrong idea. It may be wooden, but still." "If you're looking for someone, they are probably not in the mirror house. Best guess is that they are on another ride or they left you behind or something... Heck, maybe they lied to you straight out and left you." The man took a quick look around the area before turning his head back to Ayano. "Look miss, can you please go, now?" --- -The Owner : Warakuma Amusement Park- As the group of high schoolers were talking, a strange young gentleman strode up to the three. There was a hat covering his bald head, and he smiled as he approached the three. "Ah greetings to you four, sorry if I'm interjecting or anything," he said to the four, before shaking his head, annoyed at something. "My my, I haven't even introduced myself, how rude... But then again..." The strange man began rambling to himself on what he should do, before returning his attention to the four. "Sorry about that... Uhm, I'm the establishment of this wonderful owner... I mean, gah!" The man brought a hand to his face before mumbling something to the four. "I'm the owner of this wonder establishment you're in right now. I hope your enjoying yourselves, uhm.. What's your names? I usually like to know my customers names so I can give them a warm welcome back to the park, lets see..." The owner begins mumbling about different peoples names, before snapping back to attention, extending his hand out to Rui. "Erm, anyways, sorry about my rambling. Pleased to meet you, erm..."