Name: Heinrich Herzog Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 26 Appearance: Heinrich would be considered conventionally handsome by any standard- a tall, fit man with beautiful blond hair and strong facial features. However, his features are marred by two disturbing features. One, his eyes are an extremely pale blue and always wide open, to the point that the irises are completely surrounded by white. Many find it difficult to make eye contact with him. Two, his face is dominated by a thick, inflamed red scar tracing from his earlobe to his upper lip. He dresses simply, yet always in expensive fabrics and dyes. Personality: Heinrich is affable and charming, making friendly small talk with his victims and consistently behaving respectfully to women. This is mostly genuine- he was raised to be polite and believes firmly in asserting his superiority by being a "gentleman". However, he holds terrible grudges- if he considers himself wronged, he will hold a burning hatred in his heart for that person and go out of his way to find some way of getting revenge. Occupation: Highwayman Backstory: Heinrich was, at one time, the scion of the Herzog family back in Jahen. A very old and very respected family, the Herzogs had made their money through trade. When the Colony was founded, the first ship waiting at the dock to receive goods from the Rim belonged to the Herzogs. However, Heinrich had little of the honesty or austere responsibility associated with the Herzog name, preferring to spend his massive allowance on whoring and drinking. The family sent him to a prestigious university, intending for him to learn some humility as well as the skills needed to run the family business. However, it was there that Heinrich was goaded into student dueling. A fixture of university life, students often fought with naked blades, seeking to gain impressive but not terribly dangerous facial scars solely for the purpose of bragging. Heinrich discovered a natural talent for the blade, and won more often than he lost. Until one fateful night he won a little too well, accidentally putting his dueling sword through his opponent's eye. Matters worsened when he discovered just who the unfortunate man was: a favorite nephew of the Emperor's chamberlain. Panicking, Heinrich bluffed his way onto a Herzog ship and made his way to the new world. With little other marketable skill, Heinrich was reduced to making his living by the sword, haunting the remotest stretches of road and robbing whoever was brave or stupid enough to venture out without reinforcements. Herzog has no regrets, though- he's having the time of his life.