*~*~*Collaboration between Ghost Shadow and I*~*~* A small smile seemed to play at Henry's lips as he put his phone back in his trouser pockets. Mr. Gold called to inform him that the charges were officially dropped - any ban placed on the hospital and Granny's Bed and Breakfast was now lifted, giving Henry full access once again; precisely what he needed. He hastily made his way down the sidewalk towards the hospital, hands kept in his coat pockets to preserve them from the cold. Feeling somewhat empowered by the news he received, Henry stepped through the front sliding glass doors to the hospital with a wide grin on his face, waiting for someone to try in vain to tell him to leave. Nobody tried to get Henry to leave when he entered the hospital. The receptionist hung up the phone when she caught sight of Henry, and just gave him a glare, before she just went back to work. Faye in the meantime was still working, and she was clearing Mary Margaret, so she could leave the hospital and get back to her married life with Mr. Kowalski in a few days time. Henry stepped up to the receptionist's area, seemingly oblivious to Ms. Lezowski's rather ominous glare. "A fine afternoon to you, madam!" He greeted warmly enough. "Your left mole.....one of them anyway, appears to be doing better!" He noticed cheerfully, feigning unawareness at the insult. "Could you call Dr. Stevenson down for me, please?" He asked; placing both hands in his coat pockets once again, rocking back and forth on his heels. Ms. Lezowski narrowed her eyes at Henry menacingly at the mention of the moles. She didn't answer Henry as she paged Dr. Stevenson. After she paged the doctor, she told Henry in her grating voice, "She should be on her way," Faye finished clearing Mary Margaret by the time her pager called her to the front desk. She headed for the front desk, and once she was there she saw that it was Henry. She greeted him, "Ah, good afternoon, Henry," "And to you...Sweetie." Henry greeted with an almost mischievous smile, now choosing to ignore the monstrous receptionist as if she was no longer there. "Tell me--" He began, leaning in closely so only she could hear. "Do you remember anything during your time as Hyde?" He asked, sounding somewhat curious. Though he did have a pressing matter to attend to, he might as well get the less-important questions out of hte way first. Faye raised an eyebrow, and yet felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She noticed that Ms. Lezowski was looking at them in curiosity. She asked Henry warily, "I'm...sorry. What are you talking about Mr. Carlyle?" She really hoped that he didn't pursue this topic here. She didn't want people in the hospital to know that she had a mental disorder. "Yeaah...bad time, bad place. But I'm curious..." He began,still keeping his voice low. "She was rather steamy." He added with a cheeky grin before letting his voice raise back to normal. "Anyway...I was wondering if I could see...Mary Margaret, is it? I've been rather worried all morning for her condition." He stated in a serious tone. Faye clenched her teeth together at the mention of 'her'. Thankfully, he dropped the subject and asked her if he could see Mary Margaret. Faye took a moment to think about it, and it showed on her face. She soon answered Henry apologetically "Mr. Carlyle, I think it would be in Mary Margaret's best interest if we gave her some space. Let her get accustomed to Storybrooke again, alright? She's already confused as is. Not to mention the last time you saw her didn't end very well. I hope you understand, Henry," Regina was already suspicious. Henry...why would he care to see Mary Margaret? She asked him twice if he knew her, and twice he told her that he didn't, which were clearly lies. Henry kept his expression unchanged, but his eyes seemed to shout betrayal. "I see...yes, that makes sense. Give [i]Mrs.[/i] Kowalski my regards." He practically spat the word 'Mrs' before turning to leave the building. Faye noticed how his eyes shouted betrayal, while her own showed regret. She nodded to his request, and she said "Of course," After he turned to leave, she added "Mr. Carlyle--" "My name is [i]Henry[/i]." He interrupted abruptly, though didn't turn to look back at her. Faye swallowed at his interruption, and she continued, correcting herself, "Henry...I am sorry. But...this doesn't mean you can't ever see Mary Margaret. It just...won't be tonight, alright?" "Right...sure." He replied in a tone that signaled he was done with the conversation before exiting the double doors quietly. Faye watched him leave quietly, and after he was gone, she walked off to continue her work. She kept telling herself that she had done the right thing in not allowing Henry to see Mary Margaret. If he had gone to see her, Faye would not only be betraying Knox's trust, but she would probably also have endangered Henry into another problem, most likely something like the incident that made the town see him as the town creep.