[u]Poppy Flanagan[/u] Poppy caught Theresa's wink, but wasn't herself at the moment. She smiled weakly then looked off again. Only bits and pieces of their conversation registered with her until she was addressed directly. [i]Come on I have to hold in. I couldn't really be the only one...[/i] Still she was doubtful and shaking with nervousness. "Well... I..." A racket from across the cafeteria startled her out of her stupor and saved her from having to reply. [i]I wonder what made her so angry.[/i] Inside Poppy felt a little happy that somebody had disgruntled Amanda a little. Served her right for the way she treated her and more importantly, Theresa. "Huh, where is everyone going? Are guards going to come in or something?" Without a clock or being used to the schedule she had no way of telling it was about time for classes. [u]Vespera Spindel[/u] The look Vespera gave Matt was a combination of quizzical and amused. [i]Is this guy for real?[/i] He was terribly unclever in his responses. She hated the kind of people that took whatever was just said to them, spun it around, and shat it back out. This was a waste of her time. "Am I to presume you have first hand knowledge in this matter? You sound about as straight as a circle." The last part was brushed off, if anyone was being over confident it was him. Where his train of thought was going with the whole thing she had no idea, but it didn't matter. It was about time to ditch these children. When the table started titling back Vespera slid out of her seat gracefully and took a couple steps back. "Now that wasn't really necessary, was it?" If they wanted to get away so badly they could have left already. Which is exactly what they did next. [i]So juvenile.[/i] Then she realized she could still feel the static, this caused her lip to curve up slightly. "Very embarrassed if I were to guess." Vespera took a glance at clock. "At least it was nice talking to you, so long." Not that they actually really talked. With that she walked off in the opposite direction Amanda and Matt had taken. [u]Karlie Davis[/u] "Jeez, who pooped in your cereal? Take a chill pill. Nobody is going to be fighting anyone." There was an extra emphasis on the last word. Karlie took a little to wolf down her food. Last thing she wanted was to was waste time not eating until she had to head to class. Amanda's fit of rage interrupted her. "Oh dear, guess I better go see what's got 'Manda so worked up- Wait, you're her cousin?" She looked over Nikki briefly. "That's so cool! I can a little resemblance, but I never would have guessed!" [i]I think that's sorta something she would know... never got tested to prove who my family was.[/i] Despite her thoughts she didn't say anything out loud. After Victoria had left Karlie turned to Nikki. "Don't listen to her, she's so up tight. However we are going to miss our classes if we don't get a move on." She lifted her plate and scraped the rest of her breakfast into her mouth with her fork. Then she looked to the overturned table to see it vacated. Karlie shrugged. "Your cuz can take care of herself, c'mon lets go."