After a hundred years of peace, no one expected the titans to come that warm summer day. Within minutes of the Colossal Titan's appearance, the wall was destroyed and hundreds of civilians were dead. Many more perished when the Armored Titan broke through, foreseeing the fall of our beloved Wall Maria. It wasn't until that day that we understood why we lived in fear of the titans. The Shinganshia Distict was not the only place that lied in runes that day. Many of the surrounding villages where also overtaken by the titans. Our village, Helena, was one of them. [hider=Map][img][/img] Helena lies to the right Shinganshina; below and between Trost and Karanese.[/hider] Perhaps if we had gotten word of the breach sooner, we might have had time to escape. Our once lively town was reduced to a pile of rubble not long after they arrived, with those demonic smiles plastered to their faces. Only a handful of us survived. Our whole world was taken away from us that day. We were the ones who were left behind.