As they entered the Great Hall, Sophia was surprised to see the sea of bickering nobles inside. Though the conversations around them blended into a headache-inducing cacophony, she made out a few bits. It seemed no one knew where the king was. The thought was troubling, and it was obviously already having it's effect on the general populace, as the mood in the room was far from amiable. She turned away from the mass of arguing men. If they could get to Canti, asking him what had happened might help them out. Feril seemed to remember her way to the dungeon fairly well. The princess turned towards her, still worried about the girl's current situation. Even so, it was one of a very slim number of options. "Right, if we can get there maybe we can find something out." She glanced back to the crowd for a moment. "We should probably move quickly." She turned back to the group. "If you're sure you want to go back there... lead the way Feril." Eva watched the crowd of nobles cautiously. At the moment they just seemed confused and irritable, much like anyone else at that point, but she knew how fast an irritable crowd could turn into an angry mob. She kept close to Sophia, putting herself between the princess and the crowd. Gareth seemed to think talking to Canti in the dungeon was the best idea. Though such an idea sounded dangerous, the now former regent was likely to tell them more than the Order would, if their previous encounters had been any indicator. The girl that had joined them at the tavern, Feril, seemed to remember the way to the dungeon rather well. Eva turned an interested eye towards the girl, a bit impressed with her eagerness to return to the scene of her imprisonment.