Ruby tries his best to seem, at least a little less pathetic than he usually is. < [i] Listen, me and my big and dangerous friends just want information. After you give us that, we might, MIGHT, be able to get your pale, paranoid ass off this creepy station. If you don't like little deal we have to offer you, I'm sure my sharky friend over here would love to tear out that little stack of yours so I can rip the information we need from it myself. Then, I'll fucking space it. Right into the sun. [/i]> He knew half of what he said was just total bullshit, but he hoped he could keep that from the scientist as long as he could. <[i] And I swear to fucking god, if you give us the wrong information, I will personally hunt every last fork and copy you have, and throw them into the sun along with you. You got me? [/i]>