Enma recoiled from Kane's deflection but the fighter was quickly dispatched with the kougan's aid. The blind warrior tilted his head as Darian began to counter attack, swinging the makeshift weapon with brute force. The log might not be a real weapon, but in the hands of a man who could walk with a titanic armor, Enma was sure that it would do more than just a simple bruise if the wood collides with him. Suddenly, as Enma scraped his sword on the ground to get an info on Darian's location, he suddenly noticed that the person in front of him vanished... "Of course... Darian-san had the power of teleportation." Suddenly, Mikadzuki hissed. Enma already knew that Darian was above them, and in a swift movement, Mikadzuki coiled its tail around Enma, and threw the Enma to a safer distance. Enma stood up quickly as he let out an angry cry of dismay as Mikadzuki was dashed to the ground with the log. The snake twitched a little bit before it remained still. "Why... why..." Enma lamented as he plunged his sword into the ground. Suddenly, his tone changed... from a litany, it became a confident one. "Why do they always go for the snake?" Enma looked up at Darian as he stood up. "Dance, Mikadzuki." The still snake twitched. It was apparently just playing dead. Mikadzuki twisted its head, now facing Darian. The snake opened its mouth as a crimson gas began to appear. The gas was expelled into the air as it began to cover the area around it with the noxious toxin. "Do you want to know what my poison does?"