The cheers had also interrupted Alianor's thoughts and, mostly due to curiosity, she had moved over to were people were crowded. It took her a while to get into a position where she could actually see, after all she wasn't exactly that tall. She almost instantly regretted that she had, in fact, decided to go see what was going on. She was shocked to recognise that one of the fighting pair was Kessah, and she was obviously winning. Well Alianor certainly had no wish to get onto her bad side. Still, to her it all seemed so overly. Of course she didn't know the context but surely there wasn't much that should warrant completely beating someone into a pulp. She wasn't watching by the time the guy lost his tooth, a grimace on her lips. It was really her first experience with violence within the bandit camp. She guessed that it was probably in return for him breaking some kind of rule. Bit of a harsh punishment, though. She was quick to get away from the crowd once the fight was broken up, taking quite a bit to stop looking so disturbed by what she had just seen. While she was beginning to grow more accustomed to what went on around here she wasn't sure she would ever get used to that much violence. Especially if it occurred regularly. Even though she was a bit shocked by all that was happening she still managed to level a glare at Ronan as he approached her, patting her on the shoulder. [b]"You make it sound like I have a choice as two whether I stay for more than a couple of days,"[/b] Alianor rolled her eyes with a scowl. This scowl just deepened as he continued to talk. [b]"You can't be serious... Nothing too bad? Why would I want to undergo initiation anyway."[/b] She muttered the last bit before letting out a slight sigh. She guessed the only way she was ever going to leave this place was if she gained her trust. And to do that she guessed she would have to go through this initiation. She did not like the sound of it whatsoever. She'd never fought anyone in her life. In fact stabbing Ronan in the leg was the most violent she had ever gotten. A spar did not sound like something she'd enjoy. Nor have much chance of winning. [b]"You know I am quite limited on options, right? I have only really spoke to three people in this camp, those being you, Gort and Kessah. I don't think I particularly like my chances at winning a spar against any of you. What happens if I don't pass the test anyway?"[/b] Which she wouldn't. Not a chance. Would they throw her out? Because that might be the better option. She frowned as she thought. She guessed she could pick the other person. Although it was just as difficult a decision. She was sure Gort could be a good option, but as he seemed to be the healer of the group he would undoubtedly be busy. More time spent with Kessah meant more chance of getting on her bad side, something she really didn't want to do. Though the other woman had seemed nice enough to her. And then there was Ronan... Many reasons to not choose him. A slight smirk crossed her lips as an idea crossed her mind for who to spar with. There was other person she had 'talked' with, well she hadn't exactly said anything to him before Gort had come so gallantly to her defence that morning. She doubted she could win against the man who had talked to her that morning, she hadn't even been able to get away from his grip on her hand, but at least she would have some kind of motivation to try. [b]"I think I have some idea as to who to spar against. I don't know his name, though. I am still unsure about the other person."[/b] She was going to have to do this, so she might as well try to make it slightly beneficial towards herself.