Vallence smiled at the loud and aggressive response. That meant they weren't Cruibellian, that was a relief as they tended to be far more up on protocol than anything. He nodded thanks toward the crew member that effectively said maybe and rustled around his luggage before pulling out a large bag filled with various money. [b]"If money's an issue... I can pay."[/b] He then pointed over his shoulder in the direction of the town. [b]"The town's going through the Crucible right now... Not really something I want to stand around for. I can offer my services on top of my money if needed. I'm a musician and storyteller. I imagine your crew wouldn't mind something to take their minds off of whatever stress they might have."[/b] He scratched the back of his head. [b]"I imagine you need repairs, I happen to know about someone called... Fixit... From what I know he can do whatever repairs are needed."[/b]