[quote=Serpentine88] The problem (In my opinion, since obviously there is a significant group who disagree) with dropping everyone to a single region is that it'll get really weird when nations that have 10-20 million people are the exact same size as nations with 100-120 million people. This can be solved by forcing everyone to have the same population size, but then the game's war mechanics become extremely unbalanced because numerical superiority focused factions or factions with inferior technology but superior numbers become meaningless.Another problem with forcing everyone to be 1-region states is that everyone will be way too far from each other, nearly everyone's neighbours will be NPC's or no-mans-land. The military, trade and diplomatic problems with this are obvious. [/quote] Yeah, as much as the massive land-grabs don't make sense, dropping everyone to a single region wouldn't either. Perhaps we should just wait for Kilo to give her word on this before taking up a mob-rule on it?