With that, he decided to move on. "It's important to know how one's body works. It's also another reminder to keep healthy and active in addition to the twelfth precept. Along with this, it means to pay attention to how you behave, not just for yourself but in regards to those around you. "Meditation is important. Knowing one's place in the world is key to keeping oneself centered. It's also important not to become distracted by others from what it is you're trying to accomplish. Be mindful of your opponent and don't allow them to disturb your thoughts, do not let them consume you for that gives them more power over you. "Of course eating and sleeping are required for living, but beyond that, it's important to be aware. Aware that you are hungry but, furthermore, aware of what is best to eat. Aware that you are tired and need to rest or push through that pain to gain strength. The obvious aspect of 'awareness' is being aware of one's surroundings. But it's also being aware of those around you and your relationship with these people. Even strangers share a relationship with you, however superficial. "Then we come to being strong. Note how I did not mention about becoming 'stronger' when that's what most people strive for. But this is emotional strength as well as mental and physical strength. 'Strength' can mean many different things: keeping from harming yourself or those you care about, keeping from harming others you don't know, and even keeping from stubbornness. Have a strong will accompanied only by a strong sense of self for that is when decisions become easy. "And finally, mind your heart. Of course, it's something to physically protect from harm because without it you will die. But emotions, feelings, and memories are important aspects of one's existance and keeping those with you can both be challenging but give you determination to succeed or admit failure. It also reminds you to listen to your instincts and intuition, for they are powerful tools which, when left ignored, can result in unfortunate outcomes.