Kiriakov arrived at 9:00 at the park, however he wasn't in the exact spot marked by the coordinates of the note he received and thus he walked in said direction for quite a bit more than he had already walked. He was a bit angered at the fact that he was probably going to arrive late, and he was already thinking that the delay may have caused the person he was going to meet to leave if he or she though that Kiriakov hadn't decided to appear, more probable for said person to be a he than a she because there were two possibilities, one of them that the sender was an old acquaintance of the Russian, and Max didn't have female acquaintances, and the other possibility was that it was sent by a magician, in which case it would have been irrelevant. Now to think of it, only the magician option would make sense, since he had erased all his traces, including his new place of residence in the USA, so he was a clear disadvantage at knowing about the one he was going to interact with. While he was lost in this train of though, Kiriakov stopped his walk when he realized something:, all sounds have ceased, all noise had disappeared, the people he had seen around had gone like smoke and everything seemed lifeless and static. There was no doubt, such thing must have been magic. He kept walking, but the nature of such power made him more and more nervous, he couldn't understand what was going on and he had probably entered a trap. He even aimed for his front pocket looking for a cigarette, finding none and remembering that he hadn't smoked for decades, so instead he held tightly the 9mm gun he was carrying concealed in his jacket, unsure of his capability to draw faster than problem could arrive. However, what arrived first was Kiriakov at the point of reunion, everyone had disappeared save seven other people plus another that had become the center of attention thanks to his unusual clothing style. All the people present oozed an aura typical of youngsters that Kiriakov found rather offensive, their looks, their manners, he wasn't fond of what the "kids these days" had become and it couldn't be more obvious that he was going to have no choice but to work alongside them, even worst, not even being their boss, some of them started to question the guy with no shoes, if it wasn't clear enough who the one that had called them was. Well there was an exception, this huge blonde guy seemed a bit more mature and respectable than the rest, but that was only until he opened his mouth [quote=Smith]"Not a very bright lot, are they? Некоторые компании исключены , конечно. "First off, let's get some things straight. I don't come cheap. My usual fee is six digits, minimum..."[/quote] On one hand, Kiriakov respected how good the giant had been identifying him as Russian and speaking in his language, not to mention the consideration in regards to showing some respect to him out of the "Not being very bright" bunch. On the other, he was rotten to the core, not only he held this pedantic and high attitude of superiority, even worst, he had a high regard for money. In this world money has managed to become the gasoline powering the humanity, and he didn't like it, nobody wanted to work for a better future, for justice, or because duty called for it, just for money, and Kiriakov hated that, so he called on it, in Russian, nobody else had to understand what he was going to say [i]I have a six digit number for you, zero point zero zero zero zero one dollars. If you really think this guy is going to pay you a single cent more than that you are either stupidly delusional or blind[/i] He then talked in English to the rest of the group with heavy accent "You have no patience? Leave farmer guy explain himself instead of harassing with questions." He took the chance to sit in the bank that has recently been left by the blonde giant, Kiriakov was tired from all that walking.