[b]Name: [/b]Rattlebones [b]Race: [/b]Forestling [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Age: [/b]As old as the wind in the willows and the snow on the mountains [b]Appearance: [/b]Rattlebones wears a thick mantle out of the thick fur of a giant Beast of Bèrehine. Hundreds of skulls and bones are woven into his mantle and are attached to the long Stick he supports his old body with, giving him his name. His green, sharp eyes stare at you from behind a mask made out of the skull of a strange animal which antlers entwine into the sky. His thin and wrinkled body is completely hidden in his mantle. [b]Personality: [/b]Rattlebones is an wise and generous person. He does like giving advises and has a kind of a grandfatherly character. However he tends to stay alone and does not appreciate long contact with other people. [b]Occupation: [/b]Witchdoctor [b]Backstory: [/b]Rattlebones was once a young man of a Tribe of Forestlings. He was known as an talented warrior and agile hunter. One day however fate had other plans for him, when he hunted a white stag and followed the animal so long till the rest of his hunting party went home. The young hunter however did not walk home, he followed the stag for 40 days and 40 nights till he cornered it. When he saw the animal in his full glory standing in range of his spear, he could not kill it. So big was the awe for nature he felt. At this time however he walked till the gray plains, far far away from home. The young warrior had to seek protection in a cave. The cave however was inherited by an old hermit. A master of the black arts and the spirits. The old hermit decided to pass his knowledge on before he would die just to save his legacy and under the promise that the young forestling would bring his soul to a good place. So Rattlebones was slowly born, learning to control the spirits of the wild, communicating with the dead or even the Winterdemons and commanding the dark forces. At least thats how the story goes...