Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she found herself growing bored. Though for Rose, that feeling was with her constantly. She couldn't help it. There wasn't anything to do except work, sleep and eat. Maybe catch a match with her boyfriend or check out the shops with her mum but for Rose Tyler, there as a lack of excitement in her dreary life. Her complacency was making her mind and ambitions rather stagnant, content to remain untouched and unfulfilled. If she had any smart friends, they might suggest she go try taking some college classes at the local university or to go abroad for a few weeks to see something new, in a place she could really explore and find her passion. Alas, her friends weren't the sort to encourage such actions so Rose had no idea how to fix her predicament. Though by this point, the blond was unaware of how bored she really was, and how badly she wanted something to change. And since she wasn't self aware, she didn't see any point of executing the needed change herself. The only thing which may spark some kind of fire within her, was the notion of new neighbors and if that didn't prove just how bad things were, nothing would. Rose glanced over her shoulder but was met with nothing new except a light chilly breeze. The person inside finally replied and told her wait so she did, shrugging, even though he couldn't see her. "Hello." She offered a polite, small wave with her free hand. He asked what she wanted and she glanced down at her offering. "I just thought I'd welcome you to the neighborhood and see if there was anything you needed, like finding things or anything like that." She looked back up at him. He was a tall fellow but seemed alright. The people renting the flat before him were certainly strange but with them, Rose figured the less she knew the better. But with them moved out, she hoped the next one would be more friendly or at least polite. "By the way, there's a woman on the second floor named Abby Wilson, she'll probably try to sell you some canned goods, don't buy em. I'm pretty sure she bought them during World War 2." She grinned a little, reminding how awful the canned radishes tasted. Though to this day, she questioned the contents, despite Ms. Wilson's claims. "Oh and here, I bought these. I'm not sure if you're allergic to anything but..." Rose's voice trailed off as she extended her arm to hand the baked goods to the man. If he was allergic or didn't like them, she could go try and get something else but most people couldn't say now to cookies, even if they happened to be on a diet. "They might do well with some tea or ice cream." She suggested. Unable to stop from being a tiny bit curious, she glanced around to see not much had been changed to the apartment's interior which was weird but considering how had lived there, wasn't totally out of the question. To have them up and leave was something Rose would believe. And for now, there weren't any signs that the new man had anything to do with it, though he seemed a bit off, she could chalk it up to the hectic means of moving to a new place and having the settle in. "Where'd you come from?" She wondered, his voice suggested somewhere in the north but then that one question ended up prompting others, "Are you alone?" She blurted out. "I mean, is there anyone else with you?" She attempted to clarify a bit. "It can be a bit hard to move on your own. Of course some people like being on their own but I don't see how." She had her mum and Mickey and Shareen and Keisha. And while she could try to move out and live on her own, the idea didn't sit well in her heart. In her mind, people weren't meant to isolate themselves. At least when she was bored at home, she had people to be around. "Sorry, didn't mean to pry." She shook her head, realizing she was being rude. In the back of her mind, she could hear her mum lecturing her, telling her to mind her manners.