Please fill out the following CS and post it here: CS: Students: Name: Age: (13-17) Gender: Personality: (Can Be Revealed in IC ) Picture: Bio: Which Academy preferred- Traditional Magic or Draconic: Beginning Magic: Rank the following Magics- Air, Fire, Water, Earth Room Number: First come, first serve (Rooms taken at this time: ) Definations of Magics: 1) Air -- You can manipulate air, creating gusts of winds to blow away enemies, or keep yourself alive in worse areas by drawing in clean air to yourself. If used hard enough can wear down even the mightiest of stone. 2) Fire -- You can manipulate fire, adding heat and light to what you do, you both weaken shadows, and melt ice, as well as burn other organisms. However, a strong wind, or ample water or earth can snuff you out. 3) Water -- You can manipulate water, moistening things, doesn't sound like much, but drowning is an unpleasant way to die. You can also wear away at earth, and kill fires. Earth can mix with water to make mud and thusly kills the flow of water. 4)Earth -- You can manipulate the very earth around you, building the best shelters, fortifications, and the most resistant of any materials. But even a simple wind can erode you, or a strong one. And a mighty rush of water can knock you down.