The gunshots heard in the distance startled Jalo, but not enough to cause a reaction. He felt safe in the center, if someone came that close there were others behind him to take care of that. Though he did wonder who it was, and if they were alright. It wasn't anything he could concern himself with, but he really was hoping to see everyone in the group outside. Under all the stress, it wasn't surprising the lock gave way after not too long. 027 watched as the front line took action on both sides, and took the door he had flattened, using it to shield members of their team when he could without getting in their way. Never made for the front lines, he remained in the center. He had never wanted to kill anyone, or even do harm; the situation, however, was more important than his pacifist beliefs. If they didn't act now they would be captured once more, most likely under twenty-four hour surveillance and tighter security controls all around. By the time he noticed a guard aiming at him he didn't have the time to shield himself, and a bullet hit him in his right trapezius. As he recoiled in pain his arm went with him, and in turn, the door slammed down on a few soldiers. Jalo stood back up straight, now focusing on the one who shot him. With some of the exercises the facility doctors had had him do in the past, lifting one man was no problem. He picked up the man, and threw him to the ground. It was a more shaky process now that he was using his non-dominant hand to guide himself, but it worked well enough. Next he focused on the approaching groups, taking the makeshift shield and using it to slam a few soldiers into walls. While it took more energy, it was much more efficient. Having gotten some pent up rage out (albeit in a manner he knew he would feel awful for later) and stemming the flow of soldiers a bit, he went back to a defensive position.