"Market research, eh? I gotta admit, I didn't have you pegged for that.." Noah managed a grin as they continued their walk, and he felt a thousand times better with an instant rush of caffeine running through his system. Maybe it had something to do with the company, too - Charlotte was turning out to be a pleasant surprise, even if he wouldn't admit that out loud. He was definitely used to a certain 'type' of girl, and Charlotte was just the opposite on the surface. Sure, he still didn't know much about her, but the more he learned, the more intrigued he found himself. Raising his brows a bit at her question, he almost found it comical, but she wouldn't know that. "Not if I can help it. I know that's what my dad wants - me to take over the family business. It's a living, I don't hate it, but it's not what I want to do forever." He offered a shrug, pausing to wait at a crosswalk with her. "I've been savin' up money for years, tryin' to get enough to go to school. My dream is to become an architect. Design new buildings, contribute to historical ones. Boston's so rich with history it ain't even funny. But I'd like to travel all over and create new things." It was a strange thing for him to admit. Everyone he knew laughed at that 'dream' of his, and his own family wanted nothing more for him than to stick with the family business, so it wasn't exactly something he shared all that often. "Anyway..it's a long shot. I mean you can probably tell just by talkin' to me it's hard for a lot of professional people to take me seriously. But that's alright." As the light changed, Noah continued down the sidewalk with her, the sign for the restaurant she'd been looking for right ahead of them. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was actually a little disappointed their 'journey' had come to an end. It would only be a matter of moments, though, before she was with her friends, and their short time together would be nothing more than a distant memory. "Well...here you go. Ten dollar bloody mary's await." A small grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Hopefully that phone of yours keeps working. And be careful who you run into..not everyone's as charming as me." He joked.