Through her hazy, mid afternoon day dreams, with the prickly grass digging into the exposed flesh on her arms and legs, Elspeth could see something. At first sight she thought the shadow in the sky was some sort of bird, the type that would often pick up small animals or children when no one was paying attention. However as the shadow grew closer and closer becoming less of a shadow and more of a firm shape she realized that this wasn’t as simple as a bird or some other air faring animal. Abruptly the young girl sat upright, her eyes widening in shock and interest as the shape, this [i]human[/i] shape, plummeted faster and faster towards the grassy field. The body hit the ground with an audible thud, making Ellie scramble back a bit. The shock in her eyes faded to a dim wonder as this mysterious girl from the heavens lay in the grass. For just a second Elspeth feared that she may be dead, or seriously injured and the young girl went to stand and perhaps try to help. But just as she took to her feet the pile of skin and clothes began to stir. The angel, for there was no other explanation in Elspeth mind, this woman must be heaven sent, appeared shocked herself as she gazed down at her body. She didn’t look like any person Elspeth had ever seen in her life. She wore no skirts, her hair was cut oddly and not worn in any fashion Ellie would have ever thought “appropriate”. She wasn’t sure about what to do now, not with some oddly clothed stranger standing just a little ways away glaring at her with what Ellie assumed must have been mirrored in her own eyes. Mute curiosity and horror. Part of her just wanted to turn and flee, grab her basket and make her hasty way back to the house, safe with her Mother and Father and the boys. Yet, at the same time there was another part of her that was curious... and that part of her was much stronger then the fading fear deep in her gut. She blinked several times as her foot took an involuntary step forward. Her lips quivered slightly with unsure words. What did you say to a person whom you just watched fall from the sky? Hello? Good day to you? “Are you an angel?” --- Alexander shoved the crumpled paper in his pocket, and finally resumed maneuvering his way through the crowd. The population became much more dense as the morning went on and as he moved against the heavy wave of people, his mind wandered to how he may achieve this impossible task of finding this mysterious object that held such great value. It seemed so grande in his mind, almost exhausting, but he wanted more then anything to win back that throne, and no task was too tall for such a want. He wove through the crowd, jostled a bit by the many bodies swimming like salmon through the streams. The small huts were lined with different goods and the merchants called out different beguiling statements to attract the attention of their costumers. On a normal day, Alexander would have been perfectly content to meander casually with the crowd, stopping ever so often to sample some food or look at some jewelry. However today he felt rushed. His heart pounded in his ear and all he wanted was to be out of the crowd and somewhere quiet, where he could be alone with his thoughts and try and come up with some sort of starting point for this wild goose chase he was about to set himself on. And when he finally burst through the crowd he was grateful. The claustrophobia lifted and he was finally able to breath. “Now onto the hard stuff.” He muttered to himself. Yes, onto the hard stuff indeed.