Name: Falon Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: [img=] -green eyes, pale skin with freckles, a long scar down her back starting at her shoulder raven black hair. Personality: Falon doesnt talk to many people, she's quiet.... but it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for right? She can be really kind if she develops a fondness for you, but she sets off a cold vibe. She has a fiery temper, and knows very well how to use her crossbow and sword. She has a weird way of talking to people, occasionally getting her words mixed up and such, so she usually avoids conversation. Most would avoid confrontation with her because its rare that anyone she's encountered has come out alive. although to be frank she's never really come up against worthy competition. Job/occupation: marksman/assassin (if you can find her to hire) Backstory: Falon was at one time an innocent child with her family, parents and one brother, living in the rim. Her father taught her the majority of what she knows about surviving and defending herself. Her brother Roland was one of her best friends, he understood her more than anyone else. One day Roland disappeared, he was gone for about a week, when Falon finally found him he had come to say he was joining the legion of soldiers.... Her parents took this as him growing up, forming opinions and finding his way in the world. The only thing she saw was the perosn she cared for most was leaving her to fend for herself. A few years after that when Falon was 9 years old, her and her parents got attacked by a group of forestlings.... the only thing she can remember about that traumatic event was her father yelling after her as she ran away as far as she could go. After that her life was mostly a blur. She went into the cities and started stealing from houses in the dead of the night and killing off anyone who saw what they shouldnt have.... And that's how she got her reputation.