"Bossy little twerp, ain't he?" "He does seem to enjoy giving orders, Sir." "You really don't know how to take a joke, do you Ellie?" "Humor was not a function of..." "Rhetorical question, Ellie, rhetorical question. Where is he now?" "He is entering through the breach created by the collision and heading directly toward us, Sir." "Oh good, I was hoping we'd have to sit here and wait while he went all the way to the bridge and back first." Fortunately, that was not the case, and the golden automaton entered the hold only moments later. Six still sat in his cockpit, only his head visible above the level of the cockpit's walls, and Ellie was obviously nowhere to be seen. Pushing himself out of the cockpit, he dropped to the ground and headed toward the newcomer, his right hand hovering idly close to his pistol grip. Just in case. "Welcome, mister Midas. I apologize for the ruse that led you here, but unfortunately there is no crew left to kill. I just needed to get your attention. I'm putting together a team to hunt down and kill Gortex, and you made the list. You'll be expected to follow orders when you're on the clock, but your own time belongs solely to you, as long as you don't cause trouble to the rest of the team. You in or out?" He figured being direct was the best approach with a robot. None of that muddly human stuff like beating bushes and dancing around things. An automaton would probably appreciate the value of straightforwardness.