Username: Ryonara Name: Azalea Volkamenia "Echoing Enchantress " Race: Terran Human Age: 31 Gender: Feamle Homeland: TERRA Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Shown above is merely one of Azalea's many outfits, particularly one she wear for her performances. Usually she wears much more practical clothing when traveling or whatever else would be appropriate for the given occasion. She can use her magic to change her surface appearance as well, but the constant factors are her green eyes, her long hair, and the tattoo on her forehead which allows her to better channel her magics. Of course these things are not apparent if she does a full body shapeshift. Size: Stands at six feet six inches and weighs around two-hundred pounds. She is naturally fit and athletic, and does not need to use her magic to maintain her figure. While muscular, Azalea honed her body to be tone and thin rather than to build muscle mass. Elemental Affinity: Air Bio: Azalea Volkamenia was one of the many children of the House Volkamenia. It was not so much a noble family as much as it was simply one with great influence, better known for producing musical and magical prodigies. House Volkamenia's neutral but supportive attitude has made it made friends, but also has brought upon the suspicion of many as well. Cynical politicians believe Volkamenia's altruistic behavior hides their own sinister agenda. While the truth has yet to expose itself (If there is one to expose), Azalea grew up being a fairly good example of the positive portrayal of the House Volkamenia. Despite the wealth of the Volkamenia clan, the families were expected to live modestly and act accordingly. While there was certainly those who lived luxuriously with excess decadence, they were considered more quirky members of the Volkamenia clan, and while boisterous, never themselves caused any more trouble than perhaps the standard amount of melodrama found in many nobles and aristocrats. Tellingly, Azalea had the good fortune of a childhood education, though she attended an academy that was publicly available for those willing to enroll their children. Azalea met many children from many walks of life, from the poor and destitute to the rich and extravagant. She befriended children who had no homes to go to and children who had many homes to call their own. She played with children who wanted to do good for the world and talked to children who wanted it all to end. The vast amount of views and perceptions in life made Azalea question her own, despite being so young. She wanted to see the world and how others live in it. This set up the stage for her later in life. Going through school Azalea never was in the risk of failing, but never really tried to become the best. She did enough for passing, and sought to pressure whatever caught her interest the longest. Music, of course, was one of the many subjects that Azalea clung onto, partly out of family expectations, mostly because she was rather good at it. As a young child however, she took up many interests that she still can use today, such as handling animals, treating minor to moderate injuries, consoling others, and various high-contact sports like wrestling. It wasn't until she was a young adult that she started to focus on her career path, which was when she started to learn magic. Azalea spent five years of her young adult life learning her chosen magic. While many mages can learn more than just a few variances, mastering one takes a lifetime. Azalea only took three, an low amount considering most mages at her academy take around five, even if they only have one focus. Azalea's first year was simply learning the basics of magic and tapping into her potential for it. Being born in the Volkamenia family, expectations were high. She was smart to chose only a few classes of magic instead of attempting to master more, as her innate magic ability, while impressive, was not up to standard with most prodigy mages. She's thankful for having what she already had. Azalea's three magics were, in order, Summoning, Illusions, and Shapeshifting. Each year she'd learn more and more about each of her three chosen magics, and on her fifth year she tested to prove her competency in all three. She passed marvelously, and was honored for scoring high on her final exam. After graduating her academy at age 19, Azalea was quick to announce her chosen profession: A traveling minstrel. Her family had mixed reception to the occupation. House Volkamenia's claim to fame was when it's founder, a traveling minstrel, found favor in the Terra royal court and eventually elevated himself into something akin to a noble house. Additionally, traveling bands were not uncommon for Volkamenia families, but Azalea made it clear that she intended to travel on her own, representing no one but herself. Her parents were mostly supportive, though they also prepared themselves a contingency plan should Azalea return home, unsatisfied with her given career choice. They had already entered her name into a sort of arranged marriage, however who her husband-to-be was left in the air until she would decide to come back home and settle down. Regardless, Azalea was determined to make a decent living traveling the world, not only to spread her music but also to see what the world of RUNE had to offer. Personality: Azalea is good natured, easy going, optimistic, generally kind, honest, open and tolerant. Though she sometimes has a moment of passion and can be reckless, she also dislike serious conflict and doesn't understand why people cannot just get along. She rarely go out of their way to harm others out of malice and enjoys being of service to other people. She seriously wish for others to like her. Azalea herself finds it hard to keep "negative" emotions, and has something of a heroic streak: where she see's problems, she feels compelled to do something about it. Emotionally strong, Azalea can handle disappointment and humiliation, and regardless of how severe a tragedy or horror, she will continue on her path confident and just as determined as she was before. Skills: Azalea is highly skilled in three types of magic, Illusions, Shapeshifting, and Summoning, as detailed below. [list]Illusions - Azalea is capable of manipulating weaker minds than her own to sense whatever it is that Azalea wants them to sense. A simple spell she could do is create a bright ball of light that illuminates the dark and blinds those who look in it's direction. Highly skilled in the Visual, Physical, and Sonic subclasses of Illusions, she also has picked up a few Perfect Illusions that she uses only during emergencies. Azalea can also use her illusions to alter her appearance and other qualities about her, such as her voice and even scent. However no matter what her illusions do, they can never do physical harm. She can use her Illusions to drop as many rocks onto you or have you torn apart by ogres, in the end they're nothing more than a trick of your mind. Summoning - Azalea can summon various creatures and objects from around the world or even across different planes of existence. Azalea doesn't often summon creatures, though she can, and usually summons objects instead. She can dismiss the things she summons and they will return to their previous location before she summoned them. When she does summon creatures, she can potentially summon very powerful ones or even other people if she puts a special rune on them, however she specializes in summoning multiple low-cost creatures that she can use tactically. Shapeshifting - Azalea can use her magic to mimic the physical forms of other creatures or objects. One of her simpler magics oddly enough, she only needs to visualize what she wants to transform into to take on it's appearance. Creatures larger than herself require more of her energy to successfully transform into and maintain however; turning into a dragon is very taxing on her, and she won't stay in that form for long. Additionally, she cannot mimic all of a creature's abilities, such as their magical powers or things that require their knowledge. Lastly any full body transformation removes her ability to use any other magic aside from her Shapeshifting.[/list] Other skills that Azalea can use include handling animals, minor healing with equipment, and some self-defense. While not the greatest at hand-to-hand combat, she knows a few take downs that would allow her to escape larger foes or at least make it more difficult for them to pursue her. She is also gracefully deadly with a dagger, and astonishingly skilled with a simple staff, which she can also treat as a spear if need be. One of Azalea's most useful skill outside of her magic however would be her ability to escape danger either by stealth or atheism. Equipment: Azalea's has many personal possessions that she can summon, but what she has with her right now is a sturdy travel bag that holds most necessities for the road, including rations, medicine, maps, her journal, camping equipment, etc. For weapons Azalea does carry a decently sized dagger, however she is much more skilled at using her humble magic staff. The staff itself has no magical powers, but Azalea can use it to alleviate most of the energy for her spells. And while not an object exactly, Azalea has a unique tattoo on her forehead which allows her to channel her magic with much greater ease. This means that she can use her spells without making any gestures or verbal commands as well as allowing her to selectively chose targets of her spells. Handy in a fight, since without it she'd need to take time to cast her magic which would leave her open to attacks. Other: Azalea has a small reputation in Terra for her musical skills, and has earned the name "Echoing Enchantress" despite having no knowledge of Enchanting magic. She earned the name when she preformed an entire musical symphony using nothing more than her skills as a musician and her magical abilities. Relatively unknown outside of Terra however, aside from many a few random fans.