Orbit parked her cycle in the garage and stowed her helmet. She shed her gear on the way to her room, and ruffled her helmet hair back into it's usual wildness. After throwing on a pair of jean shorts and a top with a cartoon cat on it, she headed toward the scent of pizza and celebration. "Please tell me someone got pineapple." Even though Jin would eat anything, she had a fondness for the sweet and tangy beauty of a well-done Hawaiian pizza. Her stomach was already roaring, begging for food in a way that made her ears ring. It made her realize that she hadn't trained hard enough in the interim. Sure, she'd been throwing a lot of power around, but for it to drain her this hard and make her this hungry? It wasn't a good sign. She really needed to step it up, especially with so many new people. Opening a box and snagging the first, largest slice she saw, she started to eat with a sigh of contentment and a lot of lip smacking. Beck tossed the damp mask into a hamper in his closet as he walked out of his room, the door closing behind him. Sure, the whole ice monster deal [i]looked[/i] cool, but it soaked his costume... That said, it would inevitably end up freezing back over quickly... He'd thrown on some jeans and a black t-shirt, his standard casual clothes. As it would happen, punching giant rock monsters makes one pretty hungry. His stomach growled as he approached the kitchen. He stopped, and took in the scent; someone ordered pizza. He strolled into the room, glancing at the boxes. He casually lifted one open to check the toppings, and seemed pleased. He grabbed a plate from the cabinet before grabbing a slice himself. He couldn't help but feel that it was a little too unhealthy, though, prompting him to grab one of his stalks of celery from his bag in the fridge. Jin let her gaze sweep the room in a lazy way. Fenrir hadn't returned, which was okay with her. She didn't know what he planned to do to her, and she wanted to be fully prepared. Or at least full. Gabe hadn't shown up yet. That was disappointing. She had missed him, and realhad missed him, and really wanted to catch up. Watching some of the new members mingling with the old ones, she figured she might need to at least attempt to be social. Her gaze stopped on a taller, lean guy, who had a pizza in one hand and a taller, lean guy, who had a pizza in one hand and a stalk of celery in the other. Her mouth opened, and she meant to say hi. "You know that's useless, right?" was what fell out of her mouth instead. Wincing internally, she figured she had to at least finish what she'd started. Gesturing to the celery, she continued. "That crap's got nothing to offer. No carbs, no protein, no taste... You might as well eat cardboard." --Collabs between Ex and Mistress Dizzy--