Zal had never wanted to be in this village. All he had wanted to do was go on the quest and talk to the Cherods. Fairly simple, right? Well...throw in a village overran by bandits, an Ent, and sparrows crying, and they were suddenly being sidetracked to save the village because the sparrows were pulling on the heartstrings of an Ent. Obviously, things had not gone as planned, which was why they were sneaking from the basement. All this could have been avoided, the hostages, the headache he had right now, his amulet being given to the squeamish elf, if they had just said no to the talking tree. Zal muttered a few curses under his breath as he watched Rhaedin and Sevine begin dropping bandits after Elrithian created a, fairly terrifying he had to admit, Illusion. He glanced down to make sure his weapons were within easy reach and when he glanced back up.... Chaos. Chaos and confusion as apparently someone in the village decided to start a rescue mission. Soon after Rhaedin and Sevine had dropped their respective bandits, and were moving closer towards the hostages, two new people had arrived. It was, all in all, one gigantic mess. [i]Could have just continued on our journey, but noo, had to go into the forest with the giant talking trees, whose friends tried to attack us. And then we had to go solve the tree's problems for it! Of course! Why not?[/i] Zal complained to himself before getting ready to enter the battle. "Well, I suppose there won't be any better distractions than this." Zal remarked to Tathein, before drawing his sword and joining the fray, the big Angardian next to him. Sid, for his part, decided to stay in the safety of the door way and occasionally bark out encouragement. The first leather clad bandit Zal came across just so happened to be the one of the ones who hit him with a club and kidnapped him in his sleep. Zal gave a rather nasty smile. "I remember you!" The bandit snarled something Zal didn't catch in the chaos of blades clashing, hostages screaming, the illusion of Elrithian screeching, but he assumed it was a curse of some kind. Regardless, the bandit drew his axe and charged, swinging. Zal blocked the swing, and then kicked down at the man's kneecap. Leather armor is cheap and easy to produce and did nothing to stop Zal's foot from snapping the bandit's knee cap backwards until it was bent in the wrong direction at a sickening angle. The man went down screaming and Zal shoved his sword through the man's open mouth to shut him up. The scream was cut off rather suddenly as the tip of Zal's sword sprouted out of the back of his skull. "One down, half a dozen or so to go." Zal muttered, yanking his blade free to block another bandit's blade. Sid continued to bark his occasional support from the safety of the doorway, assured that he was doing something helpful.