[b][u]House Whitemane[/u][/b] [b]Head of House:[/b] Algrim Whitemane [b]House Specialty:[/b] "Sleep well and without fear, for when such a hound watches over you, care not for the dark." Algrim Whitemane, commenting on House Whitemane's Hounds. Well bred War dogs. The dogs bred within the region are stronger and larger than most in the realm. Highly sought after for their ferocious abilities in combat, these large dogs are more suited as guard dogs or war dogs and are trained as such, taught to ignore the chaos of battle and to attack on command, these hounds of war are to be feared. The people of the region share a strong bond with their canine companions for they fight side by side. (Share a similar appearance to the now extinct Molossus breed of dog.) [b]House Ancestral Weapon:[/b] Reign - A short spear wielded by Lorem Whitemane, founder of House Whitemane during the Wyrm Wars. Currently wielded by Algrim Whitemane as tradition demands the spear be held by the current Head of House. Infused with the ability to summon a stone steed, a mighty, full-sized, roughly hewn statue of a warhorse, carved from some type of hard stone erupts from the ground, it's eyes gleaming an emerald green glow. Not hampered by the need for food, water or rest, makes a mighty stone steed. [b]Important members:[/b] [b]Nation/Realms Name:[/b] The Greenwood [b]Sigil:[/b] [hider= House Whitemane] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/ibjejq.png[/IMG] [/hider] [b]House Motto:[/b] WIP [b]Region/color on map:[/b] Green [b]Race name:[/b] Known as Lorem's Folk to their own, but labelled as many names by others. [b]Racial appearance:[/b] Humans hailing from the region tend to be slightly taller than the average, featuring darker colours of hair and paler skin as well as more earthly coloured pupils. This relating to their life in the colder regions of the northern forests, just under the mountains. [b]Racial traits:[/b] WIP [b]Capital:[/b] Fyrestone - A grand city facing outwards from the mountains with it's back to it. A mere village in the times of Lorem Whitemane, has since flourished in the dark north under the guidance of House Whitemane. WIP [b]Capital Population:[/b] 34,389 [b]Other Major Settlements:[/b] [u]High Tower[/u] - Originally built as a watch tower atop a raised cliff by the ocean to watch out for Beast men attacks from the neighbouring isles. High Tower has since grown into a rather successful trading village built around the original stone tower, due to it's position by the gap in the mountains, it sees constant traders passing through, but still it's original mission still stands. [u]Soldier's Port[/u] - A military and trading wharf. Set upon the coast, as guessed by it's name, is the largest military port within the Whitemane's land, responsible for maintaining a large portion of the navy and providing transport for the realm's soldiers, Soldier's Port is also the main port for trading by sea with other houses. [u]Apple Lane[/u] - A large village built along the river flowing through the region, it stands as the largest agricultural village, with irrigation channels dug around the village. Provides vast amounts of wheat and bailey during summer, less so during the winter months. [u]Wintervale[/u] - A fort built towards the south of the region, silently watches the southern border for threat of attack from the odd beast man raiding party, but more predominately the other houses south. [u]Easthaven[/u] - An obscure fort built on the western border of the region to watch over the rest of Greenwood and it's residents. two rumours swirl around the fort and it's naming as it is in the west of the Whitemane's realm. One says the fort was a gift from Valarien to the Whitemanes hence the name, Easthaven. The other is that a noble Cartographer, once drunk travelled west rather than his intended east, and ended up naming this piece of land Easthaven on his travels. The name has stuck. [b]Population:[/b] 3,301,200 [b]Culture:[/b] Often labelled as barbarians to those uneducated in the large culture of the House Whitemane's lands or the past, a façade that is not all untrue but maintained by the house nevertheless, as it's reputation inspires fear among other things. The few that do travel within it's borders report an unexpected show of culture and civilisation unbecoming of their reputation, albeit not nearly as civilised as most of the houses of Eledyn. The people of the Greenwood are known for their honour, courage and strong, unbreaking traditions and oaths, this is clearly shown as House Whitemane have brought many a old tradition with them through the ages. As their ancestors did before them, the people share a strong connection with the Sky Pantheon, more specifically with the one known as "The One who Sleeps". The father, who sacrificed himself to trap the void, a god who only knew darkness and destruction, intent on destroying the realm, jealous of the life it contained. Now, the father slumbers in dormant, keeping the Void trapped within himself below the crusts of the Earth. The people follow and worship the Slumbering One, as House Bennet follow Kammeth. He shall return and guide the people who remain loyal unto him, or so the belief goes. Primal magic is the most common form of magic to be found within the Greenwood, as it is the most in tune with nature and the one who slumbers, but with the passing of time, has become increasingly rarer. [b]Type of Government:[/b] (Succession Laws and form of Governing/Title used) [b]Influence and relations:[/b] [hider=House Ashtoken] WIP[/hider] [hider=House Marrow] WIP [/hider] [hider=House Paragon] WIP [/hider] [b]Military:[/b] 16,506 [u]War Dogs and Handlers[/u]: 660 The infamous Hounds of House Whitemane, the size of these dogs is matched only by their ferociousness, both of which they have in abundance. Trained for war and to fight side by side with their handler, a warrior in their own right and normally known for their martial prowess for it is an honour to handle such a hound. Each trained to fight alongside their counterpart, make deadly opponents. The dog, clad in spiked lamellar around the chest and abdomen, and the handler also clad in a suit of lamellar rather than the usual chain shirt, this allowing for more movement to better move and coordinate with their canine companion and equipped with the equipment of a noble. Beware the Hounds of War. [u]Spear Band[/u]: [hider=Spear Band] [img]http://deadliestblogpage.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/clovellhastingsstitched.jpg?w=1024&h=573[/img] [/hider] The backbone of the Whitemane's army. Clad in a standard issue Chain Shirt and Coppergate Helmet, as well as anymore armour they can afford, craft or loot and equipped with a large Kite Shield, Spear and javelins and often a dagger or Shortsword. These Spear Band's are the closest thing to guards in their cities and villagers when not at war, taking their armour and weapons with them, they take justice in their home towns into their own hands. When in times of war, these bands of warriors are pulled from the villages and join the army. They form the bulk of the army, and are known for forming Shield walls. Many a battle has been won for House Whitemane due to the Shield wall. Believed to have adopted this formation from the Phoenix Throne's army, House Whitemane's own Shield walls involve pushing with it, a wall of shields advancing across the field as those behind throw Javelins and axes. [u]Longbowmen[/u]: [hider=Longbowmen] [img=http://www.illustrationartgallery.com/acatalog/McBrideLongB.jpg] [/hider] [u]Scout Riders[/u]: [hider=Veteran Riders] [img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-n4rr0_2-sN8/TWJ2cHkGpfI/AAAAAAAAB48/JsF4QQTZX-w/s1600/shadow_warrior.jpg] [/hider] [u]Heroic Nobles[/u]: [hider=Heroic Nobles] [img=http://hqdesktop.net/wallpapers/l/1366x768/70/knights_celtics_artwork_historic_celtic_warrior_1366x768_69342.jpg] [/hider] These nobles, know that noble blood must be proven through the blood of others. As such, rather than dabbling in politics or land, they pledge themselves to the army, pursuing martial glory that can only be achieved on the battlefield. Buying the best in available armour and weapons, there only true pursuit is physical fitness and gaining glory for their families. [b]Landscape:[/b] WIP [b]Wildlife:[/b] WIP [b]History:[/b] WIP [b]Strengths:[/b] WIP- WIP - [b]Weaknesses:[/b] WIP - WIP - [b]Export[/b]: Timber, Iron, Gold, Leather goods and hides, Game meat, Wheat and barley (during summer) [b]Import[/b]: [u]House Suttbray:[/u] Wheat, barley and other foods [u]House Ashtoken:[/u] Spices, Glasswork [u]House Marrow:[/u] Copper, Gems, Jewellery, Foods [u]House Paragon[/u] Arms and Armour Note: Huge WIP, thought I'd post it now and then edit it later during the weekend. Just so I don't have to keep a page open all the time.