Name: Jacqueline ‘Jack’ Vale Alias(s): N/A Age: 24 Affiliations: This will come later. Description: Jack Vale stands at a not insignificant 5’9”, and is thin with it, although perhaps thin is the wrong word, and lithe would be more accurate. With an athletic build, she looks like she could have been a runner, or a gymnast. Her red hair is chopped short, with the ragged appearance that looks like she’s taken a pair of kitchen scissors to it herself. She’s attractive, and she knows it, with high, defined cheekbones, and large, innocent eyes. She favours loose, practical clothing, often jeans or combats and relatively plain t-shirts or tops. She shies away from big brand clothing that has large logos emblazoned across them. The whole outfit tends to be rounded off with a pair of assault boots and a cap or hat of some sort, with the obligatory aviators to add further conceal her face. Her whole outfit could have been easily acquired at any of half a dozen military surplus and thrift stores in any city you care to mention. Come show time and her outfit barely changes, it’s more additions than anything else. A heavy black, long sleeved hoodie, and a military grade assault vest, complete with the usual assortment of pouches and attachments as well as a military grade radio. Concealing her face is next, and that objective is accomplished with the use of a heavy duty Kevlar mask. Powers: Invulnerability – While it’s unknown to what extent she is impervious to damage, it is proven that most conventional weaponry is about as effective as a mosquito bite against an elephant. This has its own drawbacks however; surgery is virtually impossible thanks to her skin’s tendency to bend any blade applied to it. Enhanced Strength – Though hardly able to lift buildings, Jack is more than capable of ripping the doors from cars and lifting grown men off the ground with one hand without breaking a sweat. This enhanced strength allows her to run marginally faster than the average human, for longer, and even to leap greater heights. Skills: Explosives expertise, basic marksmanship and weapons knowledge. Strategist. Equipment: Glock 18c, M 7 Bayonet, [url=]kevlar mask[/url], radio. Ranking: A Brief History: Jack spent four years serving in bomb disposal in the United States Military, she served well, technically she’s still on the books in fact, but on leave now, at the beginning of a six month extended leave after her unit took heavy casualties while on deployment.