Hearing the rather unexpected sound of an engine, Grizel turned her head, ears twitching slightly with confusion. That was odd. Where had that come from...? With a quick, sweeping glance, the faunus realised that a rather noticeable object and its owner had disappeared. She tried turning her gaze upward, and found the bike in question, seemingly glued to the ceiling, with the guy along with it. "...Well, that's just showing off," Grizel muttered to herself with a slight tilt of her head. He was placed directly above someone, too. That seemed rather dangerous. Someone that may or may or may not have noticed someone decided to camp above her head. Grizel figured it was best to mention something to her. "Hey, um... sorry, don't know your name," Grizel attempted to grab the girl's attention, pointing upwards as she did so, "Just a head's up - heh, that was funny, right? - er, anyway, you might wanna take a step to the left or something. You know, just to be safe." And then afterward, she should warn Bike Boy not to park in such a dangerous area. And then see if she could have a try. As silly as she thought it was, having an Official Huntress Motorbike would be a really badass thing to have.