It was a typical morning of Adrina. She woke at dawn, beginning her long list of many chores. Collect the eggs, milk the cow, let the goats out of their pen, help mother cook breakfast. It was all rather tedious and boring. She had made it a habit though so it didn’t seem to drag on quite so long. Her father woke and tended to the animals as well before coming to breakfast, a humble pile of potato hash and an egg each. They ate and talked together as a family before her father left to go to the royal stables, beginning his day of work while the cleaning chores began around the house. Being 18 and unmarried (much to her parents’ chagrin) Adrina was expected to do those as well. She began her long list of things to get done before lunch time, knowing after she brought her father his lunch she had the afternoon free to do as she willed. At the moment though, the laundry hung out on the line begged to be beaten, so she went and began hitting them as the sun began to beat down on her head.