[b]Name:[/b] Alexander Dorene [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/614617/Guy+Berryman.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Alexander is a simple man of generally simple tastes. He wants desperately to work hard and make something of himself, but he is cursed by an excessive lack of any sort of motivation. He is a kind man, but overly quiet at times and his face often holds an uninterested look; leading to the common misconception that Alexander is antisocial. When he does laugh, it is a booming and warm laugh, one that most find contagious. He is not quick to anger, often trying to disarm any sort of confrontation, but when his trust has been betrayed, it is almost impossible to regain. He has what one might call a "philosophical" mind, and can be surprisingly intelligent at times. Hidden beneath the blandness and monotony, there is a wild, adventurous side begging to be released, although Alexander himself is probably not aware of it. [b]History:[/b] Alexander has thus far lived an exceptionally uneventful life. He was never the most popular kid in school, but he always had at least a few close friends. He was the only child in a relatively stable family and grew up never really needing anything. Most of the time he simply kept to himself, never really caring to much about what was cool or popular, or what latest tragedy or controversy was plastered all over the news. He liked to read and would often fantasize about going on some great adventure to some far away place, but he fostered very little hope of ever achieving his secret dreams. Alexander graduated from high school and went straight to college, but his college experience wasn't much more exciting than his high school experience was. He rarely partied and made almost straight B's the entire time, graduating with a Bachelors Degree in liberal arts. He could have done better, but he could never find the motivation to really apply himself..Life after college hasn't been exceptionally exciting either. He is currently working as cashier at a small, locally owned bookstore. It pays the bills and keeps food on the table, but business is often slow, and Alexander usually finds himself reading more books than he sells. [b]Elements:[/b] Wind:4 Stats: Strength: 2 Channeling: 1 Healing: N/A Element: 4 [b]Affinity/specialty:[/b] Storms. ------- [b]Animal:[/b] Snowy Owl [b]Image:[/b][hider=snowy owl] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-gf8w6PvyhEI/Txon4fKzO1I/AAAAAAAAGHs/VT9Ow-_BXcc/s1600/Snowy+Owl+in+Flight.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 2 [b]Personality:[/b] Adventurous and willful, she is often intrigued by new things and is very protective of the ones she cares for. She is never afraid to take on larger creatures when she needs to, though she is not so reckless to go looking for a fight. She is highly intelligent and loves nothing more than the feeling of the cool air rustling through her feathers, and the thrill of hunting down ones prey and striking silently from above. She can be sociable at times, but she often prefers to keep to herself and fly solo. [b]History:[/b] A young adult, her life has not been filled with too much excitement as of yet. She has laid and raised one clutch so far in her short life. But once the chicks were old enough to hunt for themselves she set off on a new adventure.