Character Sheet Name: Tyko Vaara Age: 23 Gender: Male Description/picture: [hider=Appearance] [img=][/hider] Personality: [indent]Tyko carries on a bit of his Finnish homeland's traditions in being a rather quiet introvert. It is not to say he is a loner, his at the College would attest to the fact that he is a friendly, welcoming person who seems to get along with most people he meets. He just likes to have some time alone every once in a while, usually by disappearing into the woods for a few days, or getting wrapped up in a TV, Book or movie marathon. Rather protective of his two younger siblings, whom he raises due to circumstances beyond his control, Tyko is driven: He works a full time job, a part time job, and attends a local college to provide for his siblings as much of a life as he can. He has learned a wide array of skills due to both necessity and desire; his full time employment is as a Punch Press operator at a local factory that produces wood and gas stoves, his part time employment is as a cook at the Three Tree Bar and Grill, and his classes are on car mechanics. In his off time, he is often found in the garage of their home making metal sculptures that he sells, or modifying his old 4x4, preparing for a camping trip, at a rifle range, with friends, or helping his brother and sister with their homework.[/indent] History: [indent]Born in Oulu, Finland, his parents moved to Helsinki after his mother got a new job with one of the largest Biotech firms in the country when Tyko was 4. After several miscarriages, Mianna gave birth to Kiite, a baby boy eight years Tyko's junior. A year after the new child was born, the family uprooted, and moved to Alberta, where a new office was in need of Mianna's technical expertise. While the office was in Calgary, they settled into a little farm on the outskirts of Okotoks as it meant Mianna had a bit of a long commute, but it gave them a little farm, and plenty of space that reminded the young family of their home land in small ways. Roughly nine months after the move, the brothers gained a little sister named Ellisif. The family bought a house, and soon, the mortgage was paid off by the salary of Mianna and Unuu's wages as a framer for a local contractor. Tyko was doing alright in school, through struggling a bit with math, while Kiite and Ellisif were happy little terrors of children. Which made life that much harder when Mianna and Unuu were struck head on by a drunk driver on their way home from a friend's. The accident happened on the interstate, when the drunk driver passed out at the wheel of his truck. Veering across lanes, and the median, the carnage left Mianna in a coma, with severe central nervous system damage on top of the physical injuries, she survived; but wheel chair bound after the amputation of her legs, and without the mental capacity to move or make intelligible language. Unuu suffered a shattered hip and femur in his right leg, his left arm was broken, and his collarbone fractured. It was nothing to the mental trauma of realizing that the woman he loved was essentially, destroyed. The family laid charges and won their case against the other driver, but money could not bring back Mianna. Unuu broke down, trying escape his problems through the very thing that nearly killed him. Leaving fifteen year old Tyko, struggling. He learned how to get his brother and sister ready for school, he learned how to cook, clean, and take care of them, his mother, and his father. He took to riding his bike to the store to get groceries when his father was too incapacitated to do it himself. When he turned sixteen, he got driving lessons from his best friend's father. He forced himself to improve his grades, for the sake of leading by example for his brother and sister. He graduated high school with honors, which was the catalyst for the fighting between his father and him for the next three years. His bitter resentment, and feelings of abandonment by his father for lacking the sisu to press on made him feel sick when his father tried to act fatherly. Three years later, the fighting with his father finished. It culminated in Tyko and Unuu trading blows in the driveway. In the moment of violent sobriety, Unuu was overwhelmed with the realization of what he had done. A week later, Tyko came home from work to find his father in the garage, and the family car leaking cold coolant and oil to the floor. Police determined that Unuu had started it soon after Kiite and Ellisif had gone to school with his foot to the floor. He was dead long before the engine overheated, and subsequently blew a connecting rod out of the block. At 21, Tyko became the sole care-giver of Mianna, and the legal guardian of his brother and sister.[/indent] Element: [indent]Earth 2, Air 1 Strength: 1 Channeling: 3 Healing: 3 Elemental: 2[/indent] Affinity: [indent]Stone and metal[/indent] Animal Image: [hider=Raccoon][img=][/hider] Age: less than a year Personality: [indent]She is a bright, inquisitive, and feisty little monster that is just entering her maturity. Her intelligence and curiosity made it easy for her to learn some things her own mother didn't know, like how to deal with locked garbage cans, or that if you wait for the animals to leave through their flappy doors, they usually have food easily accessible on the floor. Shy around humans, and their cats and dogs, having learned to avoid them by training, and experience, however once accustomed to someone, she can be exceptionally playful, and may frequently try to antagonize others into playing her games.[/indent] History: [indent]She has spent her short life so far in the suburbs of a small city, browsing through scraps and remains in garbage cans, pet food left on porches, unattended fruits fallen from trees, and playing with a friendly cat she met. She hasn't yet had any kits, but this coming spring, will likely be her first mating season.[/indent]