[b]Thomas Erhart - Forest[/b] As days passed and he got used to the daily rythm of the army again, he couldn't help but smile at the slow progress of the new recruits. It was both nostalgic and funny to see them struggle with excercises he had once struggled with, and could now perform with relative ease. And so they arrived at the very first 3dmg excercise, a clumsy struggle throgh the local forest that always ended in a dozen of bruises and painful accidents, none too serious, but all certainly hilarious. He himself found himself in the first row, and quickly got moving throughthe forest. His previous experience was a devastating asset in clearing this excericise without any trouble, even though he had never completed his training. At this point he might not be as good as a real soldier, but he was easily better than all of these guys combined. Once the assistant gave the green sign, he grinned at his fellow trainees. [b]"Let's not keep them waiting, right?"[/b] He said, and bursted off.