Sophia followed along, occasionally giving worried glances behind them. Thankfully, her paranoia seemed for naught, as they were alone for nearly the entirety of their brief journey. At several points during their search, she questioned whether Feril actually remembered where they were heading. Eventually, though, it seemed their guide's memory finally served her well, and they reached the entrance of the dungeon. Feril was justifiably concerned about approaching the guards. Sophia nodded. "I'll ask them." If she sounded a bit uncertain, it's because she was, but they needed information. She slowly approached the pair of guards, forcing a weak smile. "Hello, sirs. I was told Mister Canti was in the dungeon. I'd like an audience with him." Sophia spoke with much more confidence than she actually had, her court training coming in handy for once. Eva followed quietly behind Sophia, looking between the two guards. With the number of people in the Great Hall, it was highly unlikely that anyone was seeing the regent any time soon, but still, maybe they had a chance. If they wouldn't let a foreign dignitary through, perhaps they'd let a squire of the Order. She looked back to Gareth. They needed answers. At the moment they were running in the dark, and clearly that had not been effective thus far. She remained silent, standing behind the princess.