[img=http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2207/2280199351_c710460517.jpg] Name: Axle Niebo Age: 25 Village: Iga Weapon: [url=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/red_anodized_high_carbon_steel_sword.jpg] Zetsubu no Kori [/url] (with a special incantation the blade turns into gauntlets) Tattoo place: N/A Special power: Light creation (spheres of light that he can control, he can only have small light balls that stay lit from a distance but anything to bright won't stay lit for long if its too far from him) Bio: Axle Niebo travels around the world and with that he had gathered knowledge, he was born into a nomadic family and he loved traveling, and when he was a teenager he had gotten in to spelunking, every time his family had stopped for a week or 2 , he would explore a cave or some runes he had collected a number treasures and trinkets Other: Only one will survive (although I don't believe so) [hider=items for sale] • Necklaces of dragons- A Jeweled pendant that allows the user to breath fire 4 times. • Identity Mask- A plain white mask that allows you to look like anyone you think off. •The Cloak of Invisibility- Allows the user to turn invisible for an hour at a time, but it has an equivalent amount of recharge time. •Mask of illusion- A mask three sets of faces, allows the user to create up to three duplicates the dupe's go through people, and can last for twelve hour. Hour of recharge per dupe. •Element gems- If set into a weapon it augments the weapon with certain elements. (Red burns, Blue freezes, ect.) The damage done is not great, though it may comes as a shock (Yellow shocks) but it wont kill enemies. •Elements rings- Rings with Element gems set in them, projectiles shoot from said ring. Minimum of nine shots per ring. Light stones- Stones that produce light, like a smokeless flare. (Will take suggestions) [/hider] Warning: May be large!