Nyala watched as the troop approached the forest, her eyes the only thing showing through the foliage. A hunter's blind was something all people in the woods learned to make. A simple structure in which to hide, where you could see out and not be seen. One couldn't be murdered in their sleep if they could not be found. Some, like the archer, seemed comfortable beneath the leaves. Others, mainly the porters, looked like they were going to be eaten alive by wild wolves at any moment. Rustling the branches needlessly, making noise to let those within the column know she was approaching. "Hail the column!" she said as she stepped out onto the highway with her newly crafted spear in hand, "I shall scout ahead and determine what dangers befall us." Leaning on her spear she turned to look ahead, in the direction the troop was travelling. She was going to run ahead. She was an endurance runner and could outpace a horse over the length of a day. What's more, she could do it over rougher terrain. The druid could do even better by transforming into any number of animals. Between the two of them they should be able to provide some warning of fell creatures or deadly situations.