Welcoming bells rang all over Becon to greet the new students coming in. The first of the air ships were already landing, giving the freshmen their first taste of life in Becon. The bells however were not jsut for them, this was it, the exciting start of a new semester. Everybody looked excited and in a hurry to get somewhere. A perfect chance to study, have fun, make friends, this was awsome. "Man, no wonder people work so hard to make it here. This place looks awsome." Regi looked in awe, he had never been to a place like this before and he was on his own for the first time like ever so he was not sure yet what to make of it all. Either way, no point standing around. WIth a few grunts and struggles he tried to pull himself out of the trash can he was dumped in. Unfortunatly his efforts were in vain, the only thing he managed to achieve was tip it over. "Uh oh....." Regi screamed as the trashcan tumbled down with him in it. He was on a good half minute ride before finaly crashing to a full stop. After shaking off the dizzyness and getting up he examinned the trashcan after setting it back up. Good thing it was empty but it took a beating. That trashcan was well dented and maggled, it had seen shit back in it's day, Regi felt a little bad, it was kind of his fault it ended up like this anyway. "............" Suddenly he bend forward and lost his breakfast in the trashcan. The msot delayed motion sickness ever, adrenalin must have been calming his stomach down.....not a very good start to the day. After colelcting himself and cleaning off his dirt and stains he was back on track. Down the road were most of the new students were passing through. "Heeeeey, Regi, ha ha, what are you doing here?" A guy laughed when he saw Regi, flanked with two of his friends. The guy that stuffed him in the can in the first place put Regi in a headlock. "You don't wanna be late on your first day do you? Come on let's go." "Ha ha,,,,,,,sure......" ^^;