Elizabeth decided against chasing down the fleeing group of boys that by some twisted jest of fate informed half the academy of her presence, since she had places to be. She didn't deem the jumpy group worth showing up late at the job, they probably didn't even do anything punishment-worthy. However, sending a last amused glare after the group, she just barely managed to spot something that [i]was[/i] worth being late over. A distinctively red hairdo disappeared in the next hallway, being in her field of vision for maybe the fraction of a second. When in guard-mood, miss Seyes virtually exercised eagle-eyed levels of awareness, so the glimpse was more than enough for the pink-haired one to take up pursuit. In fact, she was quite familiar with this behavioral pattern. People spotted her and attempted to escape out of plain view, usually believing a simple wall or corner could make them avoid Elizabeth entirely. Until she breaks through the wall, that is. Or in this case, until she darted towards the corridor and bolted around the corner, expecting the redhead to suspiciously press himself against the wall or some such. His casual body posture was a little less comical than she'd expected, but entertained her nonetheless. "[i]Morning mister Sturm.[/i]" she greeted him in a sensational, sacrastic voice that unmistakably implied she had seen Veilis attempted 'escape', and not without making a bit of a mockery at the expense of her temporary occupation by applying the guards formal high-and-mighty choice of words. [i]"Who would you be waiting for, I wonder. Here in this secluded corner, far away from the place you should attend in a few minutes, but with no haste to migrate there.[/i]" It sounded awfully fake and made the overall impression of a badly practiced parody. Had there been other guards nearby, they would surely have taken offense. She eyed him, arms crossed, expecting made up excuses. Lizz was used to people hiding from her so she didn't resent over actions like this, though she liked to pretend the opposite and see how they struggled to talk themselves out of trouble. Something told her the redhead wouldn't be part of that group of people, yet prying a bit would still be fun. The commotion in the male dormitory escaped her attention momentarily. Lucky them!