"Damn it Nikita, you're failing me!" Weisse growled, heart still pounding. The one time he desperately needed someone, they weren't there. Now what? With no further leads and limited time, he had to somehow find Tala on his own. Trying to find someone you knew so little about was not an easy task in a school so big. "Baseless stereotype it is, then." he grumbled, taking off in a brisk pace. Chances were she wasn't going to be in the music room, but it was worth a shot. And even if she wasn't, he could always look for Daniel. He would be easy to find, considering his insistance on lugging that katana around. I mean, come on, who honestly carries a deadly weapon with them everywhere they... He decided to stop that train of thought when his hand knocked lightly into Albione's hilt. Instead, he decided to think about how he was going to find the music rooms. He couldn't remember the last time he was up there, so it was foreign territory. [i] I don't know how to get there at all.[/i] After a bit of searching, Weisse finally had a stroke of luck. Whilst looking for the music room, he had caught sight of a boy ferrying boxes back and forth between two rooms. Maybe he knew where the music room was. A long shot, maybe, but it was his only hope so far. So, he went into the room with the boxes, where the boy went. It seemed like he was talking to someone, and he didn't want to be rude. But soon he got impatient. He was running out of time and needed to go quickly. "Excuse me" he began softly "[i]Parli Inglese o Giapponese?[/i]