The day would pass by normally Angelo would wake up with his breakfast with the family and then afterward everyone would go their separate ways. Angelo's father being the lord of the land would deal with the problems that the mountain would face while Angelo's brothers would be dealing with their military and guard in that order to make so none can surprise the ones in the sky. While Angelo and his mother were in the church doing their prayers for the day, then Angelo was able to go to the outside of the church to practice with his sword and shield and make sure that he would be able to use both if the need should arise. As Angelo left making sure to keep the sacred sword clean he went to the shop and bought a new book that was on sale their, thankfully the book clerk and Angelo were good friends considering that Angelo always drops by. As Angelo started to walk back Angelo and just about everyone else in the area could feel the tremors of something but seeing as how they were on a mountain nobody would think much of it but it was a constant banging even if it didn't seem like much Angelo quickly told the guards to keep an eye on a possible rock fall then Angelo grabbed a sword from a guard making sure he had his shield with him as he flew to find out what was causing the noise and Angelo nearly went bug eyed seeing a giant woman banging the side of the mountain! Above all else Angelo has never left the mountain to see any of the creatures that might live on the ground so even a normal woman would have surprised him but a giant woman like her, humans couldn't possibly be that big! could they? Angelo hid slightly by the side of the mountain and looked at her from a distance hoping she wasn't a threat. Angelo waved to the woman wondering if she would attack him or be friendly as he asked "mind not causing tremors? we don't want a rock fall"