[b]Name:[/b] Carl Ribeck [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Carl] Everything that the picture shows, including the attire, armor and double-handed sword. [img=http://s6.postimg.org/q723mx2f5/Commander.jpg] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Carl is a serious man that means business, or at least that's what everybody thinks of him. Only his soldiers and those that are close to him know the truth. Underneath that hard shell that he made around himself lies a person that cares alot about his fellow soldiers, a person that is deeply devoted to the Empire and that has dedicated his entire life to fighting in it's name. He often stated that he is not afraid of anything or anyone, not even death and will face anyone and any challenge placed before him. [b]Job/Occupation:[/b] Commander of the Imperial Army [b]Backstory:[/b] Carl was born in a rich family but he was shunned and hated by them because he chose not to be like them, often giving money to the poor, helping them out and even making friends with them, often socialising in the taverns with a pint of ale in front of him, despite beying just a teenager. But his parents didn't care about his activities. To them he was the black sheep. That's why they didn't care when he decided to become a soldier and joined the army of the Empire. Carl had an older brother but he was worse then his parents were. The only person that ever gave a damn about him in that family, loved him and took care of him was one of the older female servants. At the age of 24, six years after joining the army, Carl decided to cut all of his ties with his family. From that point forward he never spoke to them again and concentrated entirely on his career in the military. Now at the age of 52, Carl is a man that has achieved many in his life. He is one of the commanders of the Imperial Army and a very respected man, especially by his men. Has fought many battles and many enemies fell before his double-handed sword. His 34 years in the army can be summed up in one sentence. Bloodshed, combat and military service all in the Empire's name. But despite that, Carl managed to get married once with a beautiful and loving woman which he loved very much. Unfortunately he never had children and his wife died 8 years after they got married. She was killed by a strange disease that nobody could find a cure for. And what's worse is that she died slowly and painfully. Because of that Carl suffered very much but managed to move on. Presently Carl is in King's Stone where he and his men have occupied some barracks. He was sent there for security reasons, because the situation in the area is not very good.